Purchase orders API
Parameters in the url should all be encoded and all data sent should be UTF-8
MAX number of requests per minute is set to 200.
When the limit is hit an error with code 429 is returned, with the header "Retry-After" containing the number of seconds you have to wait for your next request.
When the limit is hit an error with code 429 is returned, with the header "Retry-After" containing the number of seconds you have to wait for your next request.
There are 2 ways to be authenticated when using this API. in both ways you add headers to the request.
1) Use an API-key together with store-id. This would be used when communicating machine to machine and no real person is involved. The API-key is available from where you activated the API. The store-id is also available in the same place.
2) Use a user_id and user_token together with a store-id. You get these values from the login-request. The values are connected to a person and are gained when an actual login to the system has been made.
1) Use an API-key together with store-id. This would be used when communicating machine to machine and no real person is involved. The API-key is available from where you activated the API. The store-id is also available in the same place.
2) Use a user_id and user_token together with a store-id. You get these values from the login-request. The values are connected to a person and are gained when an actual login to the system has been made.
store: <<STORE>> user_id: <<USER_ID>> user_token: <<USER_TOKEN>> api_key: <<API_KEY>> Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json
Code | Description |
900001 | Credentials don't match |
900101 | Common error |
900429 | Too many requests |
901101 | Error when getting purchase order |
901102 | Error when creating a purchase order |
901103 | Error when updating a purchase order |
{ "errorCode" : 900101, "errorMessage" : "Something went wrong on the server", "errorField" : null, "errorData" : null }
Purchase orders API:
Deliver article
POSTUrl: /{order_id}/deliver
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Mark article as delivered for a purchase order. If article has already been delivered, the deliveryArticle-object will add to the already delivered amount
{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "1", "serialNr": "serialNr", "bestBefore": 6220, "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "id": 7314 }
Successfull response:
{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "1", "serialNr": "serialNr", "bestBefore": 1955, "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "id": 8808 }
Deliver all articles
POSTUrl: /{order_id}/deliver_all
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Mark all articles as delivered for a purchase order, with the ordered amount
Successfull response:
Deliver purchase order
PUTUrl: /{id}/deliver
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update purchase order state to delivered. If the order is Pick-n-pack the connected customer order is marked as delivered.
Valid parameters:
Parameter | Description | Default value | Allowed values |
delivered_date |
Successfull response:
{ "paymentTermsDescription": "paymentTermsDescription", "deliveryPhone": "deliveryPhone", "supplierOrderId": "supplierOrderId", "supplierId": 7646, "productionOrderId": 9462, "deliveryTermsDescription": "deliveryTermsDescription", "customerOrderId": 3320, "contactPerson": "contactPerson", "deliveryZip": "deliveryZip", "productCount": 1117, "orderValue": 5609.8973624584305, "confirmedDeliveryDate": 1733244402526, "externalInvoiceReference": "externalInvoiceReference", "orderValueCurrency": "orderValueCurrency", "deliveredDate": 1733244402526, "deliveryAddress": "deliveryAddress", "orderSentDate": 1733244402526, "deliveryContact": "deliveryContact", "id": 4843, "state": 29, "deliveryDate": 1733244402526, "paymentTerms": "paymentTerms", "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "deliveryTerms": "deliveryTerms", "goodsMarking": "goodsMarking", "contactEmail": "contactEmail", "isPickNPack": "false", "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "orderValueStore": 3851.6943884099333, "storeId": 8768, "deliveryCompany": "deliveryCompany", "message": "message", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "comment": "comment", "articles": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "articleName": "articleName", "purchasePriceMisc": "0", "barcodeType": "EAN", "articleId": "articleId", "description": "description", "purchasePrice": "0", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 3775 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 1068, "convert": 2526.754385198676, "barcode": "barcode" }], "type": "type", "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "1", "serialNr": "serialNr", "bestBefore": 887, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": "unit", "availableAmount": "0", "rate": 6849.726162734245, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "purchasePriceShipment": "0", "id": 6380, "orderedAmount": "0", "stock": false, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits", "stockWarning": "0" }], "poReference": "poReference" }
Print purchase order verification
GETUrl: /{id}/verification/print
Accept: application/pdf or application/json
Print a purchase order verification based on order id
Print purchase order
GETUrl: /{id}/print
Accept: application/pdf or application/json
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Print purchase order
Print labels
GETUrl: /{id}/print_labels
Accept: application/pdf or application/json
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Print purchase order labels
Valid parameters:
Parameter | Description | Default value | Allowed values |
ordered | false | ||
gs1 | false |
Purchase orders
Get purchase order batch products
GETUrl: /{id}/products/{article_id}/batches
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of all batches for a product in a purchase orders
Successfull response:
{ "deliveredAmount": "1", "serialNr": "serialNr", "bestBefore": 8978, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }
Get purchase orders
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of purchase orders based on query
Valid parameters:
Parameter | Description | Default value | Allowed values |
supplier_id | |||
query | |||
state | -1 | -1,0,1,2,3,4 | |
order | asc | asc,desc | |
sort_column | po_ref | id,po_ref,delivery_date,confirmed_delivery_date,delivered_date,supplier | |
page | 0 | ||
limit | 50 |
Successfull response:
{ "ordersCount": 998, "pages": 6940, "pageSize": 372, "orders": [{ "paymentTermsDescription": "paymentTermsDescription", "deliveryPhone": "deliveryPhone", "supplierOrderId": "supplierOrderId", "supplierId": 4694, "productionOrderId": 3845, "deliveryTermsDescription": "deliveryTermsDescription", "customerOrderId": 4963, "contactPerson": "contactPerson", "deliveryZip": "deliveryZip", "productCount": 7601, "orderValue": 1379.0910991855442, "confirmedDeliveryDate": 1733244402530, "externalInvoiceReference": "externalInvoiceReference", "orderValueCurrency": "orderValueCurrency", "deliveredDate": 1733244402530, "deliveryAddress": "deliveryAddress", "orderSentDate": 1733244402530, "deliveryContact": "deliveryContact", "id": 129, "state": 2429, "deliveryDate": 1733244402530, "paymentTerms": "paymentTerms", "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "deliveryTerms": "deliveryTerms", "goodsMarking": "goodsMarking", "contactEmail": "contactEmail", "isPickNPack": "false", "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "orderValueStore": 58.316718716919794, "storeId": 4443, "deliveryCompany": "deliveryCompany", "message": "message", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "comment": "comment", "articles": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "articleName": "articleName", "purchasePriceMisc": "0", "barcodeType": "EAN", "articleId": "articleId", "description": "description", "purchasePrice": "0", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 7319 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 671, "convert": 8057.4195398096845, "barcode": "barcode" }], "type": "type", "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "1", "serialNr": "serialNr", "bestBefore": 2723, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": "unit", "availableAmount": "0", "rate": 4445.959730176561, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "purchasePriceShipment": "0", "id": 4229, "orderedAmount": "0", "stock": false, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits", "stockWarning": "0" }], "poReference": "poReference" }], "page": 9728 }
Get purchase orders with article
GETUrl: /article/{article_id : .+}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of purchase orders that contains a specific article. It´s also possible to filter article on batch or serialnumber
Valid parameters:
Parameter | Description | Default value | Allowed values |
batch | |||
serialnumber | |||
max_state | |||
order | asc | asc,desc | |
sort_column | id | id,po_ref,delivery_date,confirmed_delivery_date,delivered_date,supplier,state | |
page | 0 | ||
limit | 50 |
Successfull response:
{ "ordersCount": 2389, "pages": 8864, "pageSize": 5824, "orders": [{ "paymentTermsDescription": "paymentTermsDescription", "deliveryPhone": "deliveryPhone", "supplierOrderId": "supplierOrderId", "supplierId": 1444, "productionOrderId": 6993, "deliveryTermsDescription": "deliveryTermsDescription", "customerOrderId": 9131, "contactPerson": "contactPerson", "deliveryZip": "deliveryZip", "productCount": 5766, "orderValue": 2754.844705799809, "confirmedDeliveryDate": 1733244402532, "externalInvoiceReference": "externalInvoiceReference", "orderValueCurrency": "orderValueCurrency", "deliveredDate": 1733244402532, "deliveryAddress": "deliveryAddress", "orderSentDate": 1733244402532, "deliveryContact": "deliveryContact", "id": 8075, "state": 6099, "deliveryDate": 1733244402532, "paymentTerms": "paymentTerms", "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "deliveryTerms": "deliveryTerms", "goodsMarking": "goodsMarking", "contactEmail": "contactEmail", "isPickNPack": "false", "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "orderValueStore": 6651.892809637857, "storeId": 7580, "deliveryCompany": "deliveryCompany", "message": "message", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "comment": "comment", "articles": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "articleName": "articleName", "purchasePriceMisc": "0", "barcodeType": "EAN", "articleId": "articleId", "description": "description", "purchasePrice": "0", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 1689 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 9854, "convert": 3025.2242339288614, "barcode": "barcode" }], "type": "type", "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "1", "serialNr": "serialNr", "bestBefore": 4219, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": "unit", "availableAmount": "0", "rate": 7408.134554710794, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "purchasePriceShipment": "0", "id": 8016, "orderedAmount": "0", "stock": false, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits", "stockWarning": "0" }], "poReference": "poReference" }], "page": 3871 }
Get last delivered purchase orders for article
GETUrl: /article/{article_id : .+}/last_delivered
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get last delivered purchase orders for article
Successfull response:
{ "ordersCount": 8217, "pages": 6087, "pageSize": 7324, "orders": [{ "paymentTermsDescription": "paymentTermsDescription", "deliveryPhone": "deliveryPhone", "supplierOrderId": "supplierOrderId", "supplierId": 227, "productionOrderId": 9110, "deliveryTermsDescription": "deliveryTermsDescription", "customerOrderId": 5028, "contactPerson": "contactPerson", "deliveryZip": "deliveryZip", "productCount": 8193, "orderValue": 8582.542695265027, "confirmedDeliveryDate": 1733244402534, "externalInvoiceReference": "externalInvoiceReference", "orderValueCurrency": "orderValueCurrency", "deliveredDate": 1733244402534, "deliveryAddress": "deliveryAddress", "orderSentDate": 1733244402534, "deliveryContact": "deliveryContact", "id": 5837, "state": 8168, "deliveryDate": 1733244402534, "paymentTerms": "paymentTerms", "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "deliveryTerms": "deliveryTerms", "goodsMarking": "goodsMarking", "contactEmail": "contactEmail", "isPickNPack": "false", "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "orderValueStore": 6511.58914751756, "storeId": 5967, "deliveryCompany": "deliveryCompany", "message": "message", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "comment": "comment", "articles": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "articleName": "articleName", "purchasePriceMisc": "0", "barcodeType": "EAN", "articleId": "articleId", "description": "description", "purchasePrice": "0", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 5122 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 7866, "convert": 6962.521516911306, "barcode": "barcode" }], "type": "type", "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "1", "serialNr": "serialNr", "bestBefore": 561, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": "unit", "availableAmount": "0", "rate": 3069.6174711540734, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "purchasePriceShipment": "0", "id": 8368, "orderedAmount": "0", "stock": true, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits", "stockWarning": "0" }], "poReference": "poReference" }], "page": 1802 }
Get purchase orders based on state
GETUrl: /state/{state}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of purchase orders based on state
Valid parameters:
Parameter | Description | Default value | Allowed values |
supplier_id | |||
order | asc | asc,desc | |
sort_column | po_ref | id,po_ref,delivery_date,confirmed_delivery_date,delivered_date,supplier | |
page | 0 | ||
limit | 50 |
Successfull response:
{ "ordersCount": 1751, "pages": 4756, "pageSize": 2467, "orders": [{ "paymentTermsDescription": "paymentTermsDescription", "deliveryPhone": "deliveryPhone", "supplierOrderId": "supplierOrderId", "supplierId": 6299, "productionOrderId": 170, "deliveryTermsDescription": "deliveryTermsDescription", "customerOrderId": 3135, "contactPerson": "contactPerson", "deliveryZip": "deliveryZip", "productCount": 8093, "orderValue": 1659.9970703815281, "confirmedDeliveryDate": 1733244402535, "externalInvoiceReference": "externalInvoiceReference", "orderValueCurrency": "orderValueCurrency", "deliveredDate": 1733244402535, "deliveryAddress": "deliveryAddress", "orderSentDate": 1733244402535, "deliveryContact": "deliveryContact", "id": 9242, "state": 9977, "deliveryDate": 1733244402535, "paymentTerms": "paymentTerms", "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "deliveryTerms": "deliveryTerms", "goodsMarking": "goodsMarking", "contactEmail": "contactEmail", "isPickNPack": "false", "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "orderValueStore": 7731.363236599934, "storeId": 2845, "deliveryCompany": "deliveryCompany", "message": "message", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "comment": "comment", "articles": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "articleName": "articleName", "purchasePriceMisc": "0", "barcodeType": "EAN", "articleId": "articleId", "description": "description", "purchasePrice": "0", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 1734 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 8193, "convert": 1968.9097723238003, "barcode": "barcode" }], "type": "type", "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "1", "serialNr": "serialNr", "bestBefore": 8127, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": "unit", "availableAmount": "0", "rate": 6077.296643839345, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "purchasePriceShipment": "0", "id": 7563, "orderedAmount": "0", "stock": true, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits", "stockWarning": "0" }], "poReference": "poReference" }], "page": 5593 }
Get purchase order
GETUrl: /{id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a single purchase orders based on order id
Successfull response:
{ "ordersCount": 1802, "pages": 8266, "pageSize": 827, "orders": [{ "paymentTermsDescription": "paymentTermsDescription", "deliveryPhone": "deliveryPhone", "supplierOrderId": "supplierOrderId", "supplierId": 408, "productionOrderId": 6082, "deliveryTermsDescription": "deliveryTermsDescription", "customerOrderId": 3233, "contactPerson": "contactPerson", "deliveryZip": "deliveryZip", "productCount": 5737, "orderValue": 8908.772671379662, "confirmedDeliveryDate": 1733244402537, "externalInvoiceReference": "externalInvoiceReference", "orderValueCurrency": "orderValueCurrency", "deliveredDate": 1733244402537, "deliveryAddress": "deliveryAddress", "orderSentDate": 1733244402537, "deliveryContact": "deliveryContact", "id": 9285, "state": 652, "deliveryDate": 1733244402537, "paymentTerms": "paymentTerms", "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "deliveryTerms": "deliveryTerms", "goodsMarking": "goodsMarking", "contactEmail": "contactEmail", "isPickNPack": "false", "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "orderValueStore": 5218.988139018767, "storeId": 3245, "deliveryCompany": "deliveryCompany", "message": "message", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "comment": "comment", "articles": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "articleName": "articleName", "purchasePriceMisc": "0", "barcodeType": "EAN", "articleId": "articleId", "description": "description", "purchasePrice": "0", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 299 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 1719, "convert": 1641.8302333412737, "barcode": "barcode" }], "type": "type", "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "1", "serialNr": "serialNr", "bestBefore": 4319, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": "unit", "availableAmount": "0", "rate": 6130.569867303144, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "purchasePriceShipment": "0", "id": 2930, "orderedAmount": "0", "stock": false, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits", "stockWarning": "0" }], "poReference": "poReference" }], "page": 1781 }
Get dropshipment order for supplier
GETUrl: /dropshipment/{customer_order_id}/supplier/{supplier_id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a dropshipment order for a customer order and supplier
Successfull response:
{ "ordersCount": 9168, "pages": 4370, "pageSize": 7633, "orders": [{ "paymentTermsDescription": "paymentTermsDescription", "deliveryPhone": "deliveryPhone", "supplierOrderId": "supplierOrderId", "supplierId": 429, "productionOrderId": 8159, "deliveryTermsDescription": "deliveryTermsDescription", "customerOrderId": 6977, "contactPerson": "contactPerson", "deliveryZip": "deliveryZip", "productCount": 2899, "orderValue": 6304.099725717226, "confirmedDeliveryDate": 1733244402538, "externalInvoiceReference": "externalInvoiceReference", "orderValueCurrency": "orderValueCurrency", "deliveredDate": 1733244402538, "deliveryAddress": "deliveryAddress", "orderSentDate": 1733244402538, "deliveryContact": "deliveryContact", "id": 2732, "state": 1070, "deliveryDate": 1733244402538, "paymentTerms": "paymentTerms", "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "deliveryTerms": "deliveryTerms", "goodsMarking": "goodsMarking", "contactEmail": "contactEmail", "isPickNPack": "false", "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "orderValueStore": 5787.56896926486, "storeId": 2374, "deliveryCompany": "deliveryCompany", "message": "message", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "comment": "comment", "articles": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "articleName": "articleName", "purchasePriceMisc": "0", "barcodeType": "EAN", "articleId": "articleId", "description": "description", "purchasePrice": "0", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 7806 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 3607, "convert": 7276.639917140547, "barcode": "barcode" }], "type": "type", "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "1", "serialNr": "serialNr", "bestBefore": 3826, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": "unit", "availableAmount": "0", "rate": 6038.485141416444, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "purchasePriceShipment": "0", "id": 7611, "orderedAmount": "0", "stock": true, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits", "stockWarning": "0" }], "poReference": "poReference" }], "page": 4412 }
Get dropshipment orders for customer order
GETUrl: /dropshipment/{customer_order_id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get dropshipment orders for a customer order
Successfull response:
{ "ordersCount": 9574, "pages": 2842, "pageSize": 1249, "orders": [{ "paymentTermsDescription": "paymentTermsDescription", "deliveryPhone": "deliveryPhone", "supplierOrderId": "supplierOrderId", "supplierId": 8001, "productionOrderId": 6251, "deliveryTermsDescription": "deliveryTermsDescription", "customerOrderId": 2054, "contactPerson": "contactPerson", "deliveryZip": "deliveryZip", "productCount": 6941, "orderValue": 6004.693966449207, "confirmedDeliveryDate": 1733244402539, "externalInvoiceReference": "externalInvoiceReference", "orderValueCurrency": "orderValueCurrency", "deliveredDate": 1733244402539, "deliveryAddress": "deliveryAddress", "orderSentDate": 1733244402539, "deliveryContact": "deliveryContact", "id": 1529, "state": 1342, "deliveryDate": 1733244402539, "paymentTerms": "paymentTerms", "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "deliveryTerms": "deliveryTerms", "goodsMarking": "goodsMarking", "contactEmail": "contactEmail", "isPickNPack": "false", "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "orderValueStore": 6000.018252359304, "storeId": 8250, "deliveryCompany": "deliveryCompany", "message": "message", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "comment": "comment", "articles": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "articleName": "articleName", "purchasePriceMisc": "0", "barcodeType": "EAN", "articleId": "articleId", "description": "description", "purchasePrice": "0", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 2648 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 3645, "convert": 5913.197286725882, "barcode": "barcode" }], "type": "type", "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "1", "serialNr": "serialNr", "bestBefore": 2932, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": "unit", "availableAmount": "0", "rate": 6115.813978999828, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "purchasePriceShipment": "0", "id": 7966, "orderedAmount": "0", "stock": false, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits", "stockWarning": "0" }], "poReference": "poReference" }], "page": 5116 }
Get purchase order products
GETUrl: /{id}/products
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of all products in a purchase orders with detailed information
Valid parameters:
Parameter | Description | Default value | Allowed values |
query | |||
page | 0 | ||
limit | 25 | ||
order | desc | asc,desc | |
sort_column | query | query,art,name,bundled,cat,unit,stock_place,stock_place_article,desc,price,order,warning_order,stock,reserved,supplier,is_stock,type,status,active |
Successfull response:
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Get open purchase order articles
GETUrl: /open/products
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get articles for open purchase order. The open purchase order is not connected to a specific supplier and cannot be closed. It´s just a container for articles that should later be ordered
Valid parameters:
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GETUrl: /po_ref/{po_ref}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a single purchase order based on po-ref
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Get available po-ref
GETUrl: /po_ref/next_id
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get next available po-ref that can be used when creating a new purchase order
Get order value based on state and query
GETUrl: /state/{state}/order_value
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get total order value based on state and query
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Get ordered articles
GETUrl: /ordered_articles
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get ordered articles for store
Valid parameters:
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Get warned articles
GETUrl: /warned_articles
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get warned articles for store
Valid parameters:
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POSTUrl: /customer_order
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Remove product from an existing purchase order
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Update purchase order state to sent
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Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update purchase order state to cancelled
Successfull response:
{ "paymentTermsDescription": "paymentTermsDescription", "deliveryPhone": "deliveryPhone", "supplierOrderId": "supplierOrderId", "supplierId": 10, "productionOrderId": 6664, "deliveryTermsDescription": "deliveryTermsDescription", "customerOrderId": 1995, "contactPerson": "contactPerson", "deliveryZip": "deliveryZip", "productCount": 6442, "orderValue": 9958.758108287346, "confirmedDeliveryDate": 1733244402574, "externalInvoiceReference": "externalInvoiceReference", "orderValueCurrency": "orderValueCurrency", "deliveredDate": 1733244402574, "deliveryAddress": "deliveryAddress", "orderSentDate": 1733244402574, "deliveryContact": "deliveryContact", "id": 1840, "state": 2157, "deliveryDate": 1733244402574, "paymentTerms": "paymentTerms", "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "deliveryTerms": "deliveryTerms", "goodsMarking": "goodsMarking", "contactEmail": "contactEmail", "isPickNPack": "false", "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "orderValueStore": 5984.827861211418, "storeId": 3304, "deliveryCompany": "deliveryCompany", "message": "message", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "comment": "comment", "articles": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "articleName": "articleName", "purchasePriceMisc": "0", "barcodeType": "EAN", "articleId": "articleId", "description": "description", "purchasePrice": "0", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 4840 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 8968, "convert": 9105.180853378599, "barcode": "barcode" }], "type": "type", "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "1", "serialNr": "serialNr", "bestBefore": 7256, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": "unit", "availableAmount": "0", "rate": 4424.015171738377, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "purchasePriceShipment": "0", "id": 7080, "orderedAmount": "0", "stock": true, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits", "stockWarning": "0" }], "poReference": "poReference" }
Update rate
PUTUrl: /{id}/rate
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update rate for an existing purchase order
{"rate": 2552.264718546862}
Successfull response:
{ "paymentTermsDescription": "paymentTermsDescription", "deliveryPhone": "deliveryPhone", "supplierOrderId": "supplierOrderId", "supplierId": 1791, "productionOrderId": 4137, "deliveryTermsDescription": "deliveryTermsDescription", "customerOrderId": 7438, "contactPerson": "contactPerson", "deliveryZip": "deliveryZip", "productCount": 184, "orderValue": 7357.374835626201, "confirmedDeliveryDate": 1733244402576, "externalInvoiceReference": "externalInvoiceReference", "orderValueCurrency": "orderValueCurrency", "deliveredDate": 1733244402576, "deliveryAddress": "deliveryAddress", "orderSentDate": 1733244402576, "deliveryContact": "deliveryContact", "id": 1864, "state": 6699, "deliveryDate": 1733244402576, "paymentTerms": "paymentTerms", "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "deliveryTerms": "deliveryTerms", "goodsMarking": "goodsMarking", "contactEmail": "contactEmail", "isPickNPack": "false", "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "orderValueStore": 8844.83731229487, "storeId": 6587, "deliveryCompany": "deliveryCompany", "message": "message", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "comment": "comment", "articles": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "articleName": "articleName", "purchasePriceMisc": "0", "barcodeType": "EAN", "articleId": "articleId", "description": "description", "purchasePrice": "0", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 6972 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 5441, "convert": 2146.641946021599, "barcode": "barcode" }], "type": "type", "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "1", "serialNr": "serialNr", "bestBefore": 5494, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": "unit", "availableAmount": "0", "rate": 5634.501195899011, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "purchasePriceShipment": "0", "id": 8573, "orderedAmount": "0", "stock": false, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits", "stockWarning": "0" }], "poReference": "poReference" }
Move article from open order
PUTUrl: /open/products
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Move article from open purchase order to either a new purchase order or an existing one
{ "amount": 6886.559854319658, "supplierId": 8722, "orderId": 4379, "price": 2332.143710169008, "bundleParts": [{ "amount": 2147.112704702282, "supplierId": 5427, "orderId": 5732, "price": 843.0179340309285, "bundleParts": [{ "amount": 1720.2461446747552, "supplierId": 4674, "orderId": 2285, "price": 3284.474486188428, "bundleParts": [{ "amount": 227.02290147853188, "supplierId": 6220, "orderId": 6515, "price": 5418.00980769341, "bundleParts": [], "articleId": "articleId" }], "articleId": "articleId" }], "articleId": "articleId" }], "articleId": "articleId" }
Successfull response:
Remove article from open order
DELETEUrl: /open/products/{article_id : .+}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Remove article from open purchase order
Successfull response:
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
articleId | String | Write only with POST | Post | R,W | |||
externalId | String | External article id | R,W | ||||
active | Boolean | true | R,W | ||||
name | String | Post | R,W | ||||
bundled | Boolean | Write only with POST | false | R,W | |||
parts | List | If article is bundled this is the parts contained in the article. When updating an existing bundled article this list will replace old list. If list is null, no replacement will be made. If list is empty, all parts will be removed | R,W | ||||
batches | ArticleBatches | Returns the first 20 batches and the first 20 serial numbers connected to this article | R | ||||
description | String | R,W | |||||
category | String | övrigt | R,W | ||||
amount | Double | Available amount. This means stock amount reduced by reserved amount | R,W | ||||
reserved | Double | Reserved amount | R | ||||
barcode | String | R,W | |||||
barcodeType | String | EAN | EAN, CODE128, QR, UPC | R,W | |||
price | Double | R,W | |||||
prices | List | R,W | |||||
supplier | Long | If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored | if not null, must point to an existing supplier | R,W | |||
supplierExternalId | String | external id of Supplier | R | ||||
supplierName | String | If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored | if not null, must point to an existing supplier | R,W | |||
supplierArticleId | String | If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored | R,W | ||||
supplierAutomaticOrder | Boolean | If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored | R,W | ||||
supplierBuyPrice | Double | Total buy price including shipment and misc costs. If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored | R,W | ||||
supplierBuyPriceShipment | Double | If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored | R,W | ||||
supplierArticles | List | If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored | R,W | ||||
supplierBuyPriceMisc | Double | If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored | R,W | ||||
supplierBuyCurrency | String | R | |||||
supplierBuyRate | Double | R | |||||
unit | String | st | R,W | ||||
vat | Double | Vat in percentage. If both vat-account and vat is submitted, vat-account takes precedence | Post | R,W | |||
vatAccount | Integer | If both vat-account and vat is submitted, vat-account takes precedence | R,W | ||||
imageLastUpdated | Long | R | |||||
type | String | Stock means it's a physical product and service means it's work and lacks stock-amount | Post | Stock, Service | R,W | ||
stock | Boolean | True means it's a physical article in stock and false means it's an article that needs to be ordered from supplier | true | R,W | |||
webshopArticle | Boolean | false | R,W | ||||
manufacturer | String | R,W | |||||
manufacturerArticleId | String | R,W | |||||
customFields | List | if you have need for other type of fields then what lagerkoll offers you can use this key-value list. When creating / updating an article the content of this list will replace the list of fields in the existing article | R,W | ||||
links | List | R,W | |||||
tags | List | Make sure you provide tagId for existing tags, otherwise new ones will be created | R,W | ||||
width | Double | R,W | |||||
height | Double | R,W | |||||
depth | Double | R,W | |||||
weight | Double | R,W | |||||
stockPlace | String | R,W | |||||
stockWarning | Double | R,W | |||||
criticalLevel | Double | When amount reaches the critical level it is automatically added to a purchase order, with amount set to order level | R,W | ||||
orderLevel | Double | When amount reaches the critical level it is automatically added to a purchase order, with amount set to order level | R,W | ||||
automaticOrder | Boolean | Set flag to true if the article should be automatically added to a purchase order when stock level reaches the critical level | R,W | ||||
nextDeliveryDate | Long | If there is a purchase order for this article, this would be the delivery date for that order | R | ||||
orderedAmount | Double | If there is a purchase order for this article, this would be the ordered amount for that order | R | ||||
deliveredAmount | Double | If there is a purchase order for this article, this would be the delivered amount for that order | R | ||||
availableAmount | Double | Amount available for given deliveryDate | R |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
articleId | String | Id of article the batch/serialnumber is connected to | R | ||||
articleName | String | Name of article | R | ||||
batchId | String | batch-id or serial-nr must be set, Write only with POST | Post | R,W | |||
serialNr | String | batch-id or serial-nr must be set, Write only with POST | Post | R,W | |||
amount | double | 1 | R,W | ||||
reserved | double | Reserved is set automatically when part of a customer order that has not yet been invoiced | R | ||||
barcode | String | Write only with POST | R,W | ||||
bestBefore | Long | ms since 1970, Write only with POST | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
totalBatches | Integer | Total number of batches for an article | R | ||||
batches | List | Current page of batches for an article | R | ||||
totalSerialNumbers | Integer | Total number of serial numbers for an article | R | ||||
serialNumbers | List | Current page of serial numbers for an article | R | ||||
totalBatchesInStock | Double | Total batches in stock | R | ||||
totalBatchesReserved | Double | Total batches reserved | R | ||||
totalSerialNumbersInStock | Double | Total serial numbers in stock | R | ||||
totalSerialNumbersReserved | Double | Total serial numbers reserved | R |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
name | String | Post | R,W | ||||
url | String | Post | R,W | ||||
type | String | Post | unknown, webpage, image, document, lagerkoll_document | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
page | int | R | |||||
pages | int | R | |||||
pageSize | int | R | |||||
articlesCount | int | R | |||||
since | long | R | |||||
articles | List | R |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
id | long | Write only with POST | Post | R,W | |||
externalId | String | R,W | |||||
name | String | Post | R,W | ||||
desc | String | Post | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
storegroupId | long | R | |||||
articleId | String | Article id | R | ||||
unit | Unit | Unit id | true | R,W | |||
convert | Double | Conversion coefficient between unit and the article base unit | true | R,W | |||
barcode | String | Barcode conected to unit | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
articleId | String | R,W | |||||
articleName | String | R | |||||
externalId | String | External article id | R | ||||
amount | Double | Amount of this article for a single bundled article | Post/Put | R,W | |||
isStock | Boolean | Is article is of type stock | R | ||||
stockWarning | Double | Warning for low stock level | R | ||||
stock | Double | Number of articles in stock | R | ||||
reserved | Double | Number of articles reserved. Number of available = stock - reserved | R | ||||
type | String | Stock means it's a physical product and service means it's work and lacks stock-amount | Post | Stock, Service | R,W | ||
unitName | String | R | |||||
stockPlace | String | R | |||||
buyPrice | Double | R | |||||
buyPriceShipment | Double | R | |||||
buyPriceMisc | Double | R | |||||
buyPriceCurrency | String | R | |||||
supplierId | Long | R | |||||
supplierName | String | R | |||||
supplierArticleId | String | R |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
id | Long | Unique id for purchase order row | R | ||||
articleId | String | Unique article id for the new article | POST | R,W | |||
articleName | String | Name of article | R,W | ||||
supplierArticleId | String | Supplier´s article id | R,W | ||||
orderId | Long | Purchase order id | R,W | ||||
deliveredAmount | Double | Delivered amount of the purchase order article. This will be the initial stock value for the newly created article | R,W | ||||
purchasePrice | Double | Purchase price | R,W | ||||
unit | String | Unit of the article | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
name | String | Post | R,W | ||||
type | String | Post | String, Number, Int, Long, Float, Double Boolean, Date, Json, JsonArray, Email | R,W | |||
value | String | Post | R,W | ||||
validValues | List | R |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
value | String | R | |||||
description | String | R |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
articleId | String | PUT | R,W | ||||
supplierId | Long | PUT | R,W | ||||
orderId | Long | PUT | R,W | ||||
amount | Double | PUT | R,W | ||||
price | Double | PUT | R,W | ||||
bundleParts | List | Only mandatory if article is bundled | PUT | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
articleId | String | POST | R,W | ||||
amount | double | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
articleId | String | R | |||||
articleName | String | R | |||||
supplierId | Long | R | |||||
supplierName | String | R | |||||
orderedAmount | Double | R | |||||
purchasePrice | Double | Total purchase price including shipment and misc costs | R | ||||
shipmentPrice | Double | R | |||||
miscPrice | Double | R | |||||
currency | String | R | |||||
rate | Double | R | |||||
partAmount | Double | R | |||||
bundled | Boolean | R | |||||
bundleParts | List | R | |||||
orders | List | R |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
page | int | R | |||||
pages | int | R | |||||
pageSize | int | R | |||||
articlesCount | int | R | |||||
articles | List | R |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
article | Article | R,W | |||||
orderId | Long | R,W | |||||
poReference | String | R,W | |||||
state | Integer | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
page | int | R | |||||
pages | int | R | |||||
pageSize | int | R | |||||
articlesCount | int | R | |||||
since | long | R | |||||
articles | List | R |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
listId | Long | Write only with POST | Post | R,W | |||
listExternalId | String | External id of pricelist | R | ||||
articleId | String | Write only with POST | Post | R,W | |||
fromQuantity | double | Write only with POST | 0 | R,W | |||
price | Double | To remove a price, send null to server | 0 | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
productionOrderId | Long | R,W | |||||
articles | List | List of PurchaseOrderArticleLight | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
id | long | R | |||||
storeId | long | R | |||||
poReference | String | Must be a unique id | POST | R,W | |||
supplierId | Long | POST | R,W | ||||
supplierName | String | R | |||||
orderSentDate | Date | R | |||||
deliveryDate | Date | POST | R,W | ||||
confirmedDeliveryDate | Date | R,W | |||||
deliveredDate | Date | R | |||||
paymentTerms | String | Payment terms code | R,W | ||||
paymentTermsDescription | String | Payment terms description | R | ||||
deliveryTerms | String | Delivery terms code | R,W | ||||
deliveryTermsDescription | String | Delivery terms description | R | ||||
deliveryContact | String | R,W | |||||
deliveryCompany | String | R,W | |||||
deliveryPhone | String | R,W | |||||
deliveryAddress | String | POST | R,W | ||||
deliveryAddress2 | String | R,W | |||||
deliveryCity | String | POST | R,W | ||||
deliveryZip | String | POST | R,W | ||||
deliveryCountry | String | POST | R,W | ||||
contactPerson | String | POST | R,W | ||||
contactEmail | String | POST | R,W | ||||
productCount | Integer | R | |||||
state | Integer | NEW = 0, SENT = 1, RECEIVED = 2, FINISHED = 3, CANCELLED = 4 |
R,W | ||||
supplierOrderId | String | R,W | |||||
customerOrderId | Long | R,W | |||||
productionOrderId | Long | R,W | |||||
message | String | R,W | |||||
isPickNPack | Boolean | false | R,W | ||||
comment | String | R,W | |||||
externalInvoiceReference | String | R,W | |||||
goodsMarking | String | R,W | |||||
orderValue | Double | Order value based on the supplier's currency | R | ||||
orderValueCurrency | String | Supplier's currency for the order value | R | ||||
orderValueStore | Double | Order value based on the store's currency | R | ||||
articles | List | List of PurchaseOrderArticles | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
id | Long | id is created by system, but must be supplied when updating order or matching product row won´t be found | PUT | R | |||
articleId | String | Mandatory if this is not a freetext row. If this is a freetext row all fields except articleName is ignored | POST, DELETE | R,W | |||
articleName | String | Name of article, or freetext row if articleId is missing | R,W | ||||
supplierArticleId | String | If omitted, article id from supplier is used | R,W | ||||
orderedAmount | Double | 0 | R,W | ||||
deliveredAmount | Double | 0 | R,W | ||||
availableAmount | Double | 0 | R | ||||
stockWarning | Double | 0 | R | ||||
barcode | String | R | |||||
barcodeType | String | EAN | EAN, CODE128, QR, UPC | R | |||
purchasePrice | Double | If omitted, price from supplier is used | 0 | R,W | |||
purchasePriceMisc | Double | If omitted, price from supplier is used | 0 | R,W | |||
purchasePriceShipment | Double | If omitted, price from supplier is used | 0 | R,W | |||
rate | Double | R | |||||
description | String | R,W | |||||
unit | String | R | |||||
type | String | Stock means it's a physical product and service means it's work and lacks stock-amount | Stock, Service | R | |||
stock | Boolean | True means it's a physical article in stock and false means it's an article that needs to be ordered from supplier | R | ||||
batches | List | If an article contains batches or serial numbers and this should be defined in the purchase order this list contains that information. If this list is null, no updates are done. Otherwise the content of this list replaces existing list | R,W | ||||
units | List | List of units connected to the article, with factor and barcode. This does not contain information about the main unit on the article | R | ||||
orderedAmountWithUnits | String | If article contains multiple units this string represents the most optimal package variants | R |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
batchId | String | batch-id or serial-nr must be set, Write only with POST | Post | R,W | |||
serialNr | String | batch-id or serial-nr must be set, Write only with POST | Post | R,W | |||
orderedAmount | Double | 1 | R,W | ||||
deliveredAmount | Double | 1 | R,W | ||||
bestBefore | Long | ms since 1970, Write only with POST | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
articleId | String | Mandatory if this is not a freetext row. If this is a freetext row all fields except articleName is ignored | POST, DELETE | R,W | |||
orderedAmount | Double | 0 | R,W | ||||
storeId | Long | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
orderId | Long | Order on which the articles are added. If null, a new order is created | R,W | ||||
supplierId | Long | Should point to an existing supplier if a new order is created | R,W | ||||
articles | List | List of articles to add to order | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
id | Long | Purchase Order Article id | POST | R,W | |||
deliveredAmount | Double | If there are batches, this field must be the total delivered for all batches and serialnumbers in the request | 0 | R,W | |||
batches | List | List of possible PurchaseOrderDeliveryArticleBatches. Ignored if articleId is not set | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
batchId | String | batch-id or serial-nr must be set, Write only with POST | Post | R,W | |||
serialNr | String | batch-id or serial-nr must be set, Write only with POST | Post | R,W | |||
deliveredAmount | double | 1 | R,W | ||||
barcode | String | Write only with POST | R,W | ||||
bestBefore | Long | ms since 1970, Write only with POST | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
id | Long | R,W | |||||
poReference | String | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
customerOrderId | Long | R,W | |||||
articles | List | List of PurchaseOrderArticleLight | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
rate | Double | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
poReference | String | Next available purchase order reference | R |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
page | int | R | |||||
pages | int | R | |||||
pageSize | int | R | |||||
ordersCount | int | R | |||||
orders | List | R |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
to | String | Main receiver of email | POST, PUT | R,W | |||
ccList | List | Copy receiver of email | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
supplier | Long | if not null, must point to an existing supplier | R,W | ||||
supplierName | String | if not null, must point to an existing supplier | R,W | ||||
supplierArticleId | String | R,W | |||||
supplierAutomaticOrder | boolean | R | |||||
supplierBuyPrice | Double | Total buy price including shipment and misc costs | R,W | ||||
supplierBuyPriceShipment | Double | R,W | |||||
supplierBuyPriceMisc | Double | R,W | |||||
supplierBuyCurrency | String | If omitted, supplier's currency is used. If supplier is missing, it defaults to store's currency | Store currency | R,W | |||
supplierBuyRate | Double | If supplier's currency differ from store's currency, provide an exchange rate. If rate is omitted, the supplier's rate is used. If supplier is missing, it defaults to 1.0 | 1.0 | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
id | Long | R,W | |||||
externalId | String | R | |||||
name | String | Name of unit | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
articleId | String | R | |||||
purchasePrice | Double | R,W | |||||
purchasePriceShipment | Double | R,W | |||||
purchasePriceMisc | Double | R,W |
Field | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory | Accepted values | Example values | Access |
verify | Boolean | Set this flag to true if state should be changed on purchase order to finished | true | W | |||
externalInvoiceReference | String | R,W | |||||
products | List | R,W |