Goto APIs

Articles API



Parameters in the url should all be encoded and all data sent should be UTF-8

MAX number of requests per minute is set to 200.
When the limit is hit an error with code 429 is returned, with the header "Retry-After" containing the number of seconds you have to wait for your next request.


There are 2 ways to be authenticated when using this API. in both ways you add headers to the request.
1) Use an API-key together with store-id. This would be used when communicating machine to machine and no real person is involved. The API-key is available from where you activated the API. The store-id is also available in the same place.
2) Use a user_id and user_token together with a store-id. You get these values from the login-request. The values are connected to a person and are gained when an actual login to the system has been made.
store: <<STORE>>
user_id: <<USER_ID>>
user_token: <<USER_TOKEN>>
api_key: <<API_KEY>>
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json


Code Description
900001 Credentials don't match
900101 Common error
900429 Too many requests
900201 Error when getting an article
900202 Error when creating an article
900203 Error when updating an article
900204 Error when deleting an article
900211 Error when getting batches on article
900221 Error when getting serial number on article
900212 Error when creating a batch on article
900222 Error when creating a serialnumber on article
900213 Error when updating batch on article
900223 Error when updating serialnumber on article
900214 Error when deleting batch on article
900224 Error when deleting serialnumber on article
900803 Error when updating customfield template
900232 Error when importing articles
900233 Error when getting import template
900234 Error when adding import template
900235 Error when updating import template
900236 Error when deleting import template
900241 Error when exporting articles
900251 Error when getting an article units
900252 Error when creating an article unit
900253 Error when updating an article unit
900254 Error when deleting an article unit
  "errorCode" : 900101,
  "errorMessage" : "Something went wrong on the server",
  "errorField" : null,
  "errorData" : null

Articles API:

Article units

Get article units

GETUrl: /{id : .+}/article_units
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get article units for a specific article
Successfull response:

{"units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 9964 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 3863, "convert": 2943.800073863043, "barcode": "barcode" }]}

Add article unit

POSTUrl: /{id : .+}/article_units
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Add article unit for a specific article

{ "unit": { "name": "name", "id": 2249 }, "convert": 3858.642015331534, "barcode": "barcode" }
Successfull response:

Set article units

POSTUrl: /{id : .+}/article_units/list
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Replace list of article units for a specific article
Successfull response:

Update article unit

PUTUrl: /{id : .+}/article_units/{unit_id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Update existing article unit for a specific article

{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 9162 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 9193, "convert": 3522.0156874068866, "barcode": "barcode" }
Successfull response:

Remove article unit

DELETEUrl: /{id : .+}/article_units/{unit_id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Remove article unit from a specific article
Successfull response:


Get other articles

GETUrl: /{article_id}/other_purchased
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Based on an article a list of other interesting articles is returned

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
amount 5

Successfull response:

{ "pages": 1985, "pageSize": 707, "page": 865, "articlesCount": 6978, "articles": [{ "supplierAutomaticOrder": false, "supplierBuyPriceMisc": 395.9701027717022, "supplierExternalId": "supplierExternalId", "type": "type", "price": 633.4099291263395, "supplier": 7160, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "vatAccount": 250, "links": [{ "name": "name", "type": "type", "url": "url" }], "stock": "true", "barcode": "barcode", "height": 3209.112847464102, "bundled": "false", "vat": 5816.078395463356, "nextDeliveryDate": 1860, "active": "true", "weight": 8757.461155611716, "tags": [{ "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 3369, "desc": "desc" }], "supplierBuyRate": 4276.7047221426055, "unit": "st", "reserved": 3623.4221556033885, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 5014.550781135707, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 2706.599484476784, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 24, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 2515.9833843514057, "buyPriceShipment": 9216.505899155865, "buyPriceMisc": 6172.133301249182, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 4335.907454409087, "isStock": false, "stockWarning": 9936.256410471564 }], "supplierBuyPriceShipment": 7552.762554425958, "manufacturerArticleId": "manufacturerArticleId", "imageLastUpdated": 6798, "orderedAmount": 3283.075656053259, "stockWarning": 4217.859336875196, "customFields": [{ "name": "name", "type": "type", "validValues": [{ "description": "description", "value": "value" }], "value": "value" }], "barcodeType": "EAN", "description": "description", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "criticalLevel": 4253.964644663357, "manufacturer": "manufacturer", "batches": { "totalSerialNumbersReserved": 7550.163370907928, "batches": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 4970.0034315059775, "bestBefore": 9103, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesInStock": 63.186588426770165, "totalSerialNumbersInStock": 9185.872373641221, "serialNumbers": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 6198.240172304953, "bestBefore": 4769, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesReserved": 2479.702897575351, "totalBatches": 6924, "totalSerialNumbers": 307 }, "webshopArticle": "false", "availableAmount": 7940.383573020818, "orderLevel": 1066.9229874405594, "prices": [{ "listId": 3465, "price": "0", "articleId": "articleId", "fromQuantity": "0", "listExternalId": "listExternalId" }], "supplierArticles": [{ "supplierName": "supplierName", "supplierAutomaticOrder": false, "supplierBuyPriceMisc": 3098.8766723383533, "supplierBuyRate": "1.0", "supplierBuyPrice": 4353.611705291197, "supplier": 5313, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "supplierBuyCurrency": "Store currency", "supplierBuyPriceShipment": 2194.1836775240063 }], "automaticOrder": true, "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveredAmount": 5617.362748159938, "amount": 5153.299522167166, "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "depth": 6786.748653414563, "supplierBuyPrice": 6271.040117487896, "supplierBuyCurrency": "supplierBuyCurrency", "width": 2996.745294421539, "category": "övrigt" }], "since": 7242 }

Get article tags

GETUrl: /tags
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get article tags for store group

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
page 0
limit 50

Successfull response:

{ "pages": 7800, "pageSize": 459, "page": 2730, "projectsCount": 5338, "tags": [{ "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 6388, "desc": "desc" }] }

Get article fifo

GETUrl: /{id : .+}/fifo
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get an article fifo based on article-id

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
page 0
limit 25

Successfull response:

{ "pages": 7891, "pageSize": 80, "fifos": [{ "date": 1722061607763, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 6391.770711142838, "supplierOrderId": 9445, "supplierId": 3006, "poRef": "poRef", "description": "description", "purchasePrice": 4609.178272805685, "userName": "userName", "userId": 9372, "amountInStock": 3001.6803712298033, "purchaseRate": 311.5610240894684, "id": 1040 }], "fifoCount": 2869, "page": 6039, "since": 5350 }

Get bundle products from part

GETUrl: /{id : .+}/bundle
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get all bundle products which includes a specific part

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
page 0
limit 100

Successfull response:

{ "totalSerialNumbersReserved": 9742.318878878661, "batches": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 7101.863564717414, "bestBefore": 6849, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesInStock": 5041.134453562173, "totalSerialNumbersInStock": 6753.5750841166755, "serialNumbers": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 6961.770149112572, "bestBefore": 4834, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesReserved": 4062.686644883865, "totalBatches": 1039, "totalSerialNumbers": 4054 }

Get articles

Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of articles based on parameters

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
since Default value is current time. To get all articles you must set the since-parameter
page 0
limit 25
order desc asc,desc
sort_column query query,art,name,bundled,cat,unit,stock_place,stock_place_article,desc,price,order,warning_order,stock,reserved,available,supplier,is_stock,type,status,active
details true
tags true
prices false
include_purchase_prices false
filter_outof_stock false
filter_stock_warning false
filter_non_stock false
filter_non_active false
filter_regardless_bundled true
include_image_last_updated false
include_bundle false
include_next_delivery false
include_batches false

Successfull response:

{ "pages": 9298, "pageSize": 2326, "page": 76, "articlesCount": 2812, "articles": [{ "supplierAutomaticOrder": true, "supplierBuyPriceMisc": 5596.742854638211, "supplierExternalId": "supplierExternalId", "type": "type", "price": 120.86212584841994, "supplier": 2465, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "vatAccount": 7165, "links": [{ "name": "name", "type": "type", "url": "url" }], "stock": "true", "barcode": "barcode", "height": 9399.792073750748, "bundled": "false", "vat": 7470.80701780223, "nextDeliveryDate": 6594, "active": "true", "weight": 1877.2450504276205, "tags": [{ "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 840, "desc": "desc" }], "supplierBuyRate": 6550.593465236486, "unit": "st", "reserved": 4173.481824338572, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 4846.275188242654, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 4742.931327548623, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 1404, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 606.1668606963177, "buyPriceShipment": 8802.088495372756, "buyPriceMisc": 6168.351592673652, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 6624.851186067417, "isStock": false, "stockWarning": 3857.190553124468 }], "supplierBuyPriceShipment": 8510.57051409552, "manufacturerArticleId": "manufacturerArticleId", "imageLastUpdated": 5454, "orderedAmount": 8106.391836899111, "stockWarning": 8374.915416469099, "customFields": [{ "name": "name", "type": "type", "validValues": [{ "description": "description", "value": "value" }], "value": "value" }], "barcodeType": "EAN", "description": "description", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "criticalLevel": 421.9783578149572, "manufacturer": "manufacturer", "batches": { "totalSerialNumbersReserved": 2915.896410582879, "batches": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 8321.809192113857, "bestBefore": 4226, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesInStock": 9849.764351015861, "totalSerialNumbersInStock": 5526.677384545845, "serialNumbers": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 1879.4797024493703, "bestBefore": 1091, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesReserved": 7382.196330255844, "totalBatches": 2953, "totalSerialNumbers": 2425 }, "webshopArticle": "false", "availableAmount": 3036.0496147658864, "orderLevel": 3900.995525769241, "prices": [{ "listId": 3785, "price": "0", "articleId": "articleId", "fromQuantity": "0", "listExternalId": "listExternalId" }], "supplierArticles": [{ "supplierName": "supplierName", "supplierAutomaticOrder": true, "supplierBuyPriceMisc": 1757.2718134402987, "supplierBuyRate": "1.0", "supplierBuyPrice": 7669.5084649302025, "supplier": 2581, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "supplierBuyCurrency": "Store currency", "supplierBuyPriceShipment": 2996.6559325763155 }], "automaticOrder": true, "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveredAmount": 4339.650702418188, "amount": 6751.523037814918, "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "depth": 8105.313355073148, "supplierBuyPrice": 9296.323714954404, "supplierBuyCurrency": "supplierBuyCurrency", "width": 9981.840740223477, "category": "övrigt" }], "since": 4116 }

Get storegroup articles

GETUrl: /group
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Search for articles across all stores in a storegroup

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
page 0
limit 25
order asc asc,desc
sort_column art query,art,name,store

Successfull response:

{ "pages": 2161, "pageSize": 6372, "page": 1652, "articlesCount": 7271, "articles": [{ "availableAmount": 7286.045331375266, "articleId": "articleId", "name": "name", "storeName": "storeName", "storeId": 6774 }], "since": 886 }

Get articles for supplier

GETUrl: /supplier/{supplier_id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of articles connected to a supplier

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
page 0
limit 25
order asc asc,desc
sort_column name art,name,bundled,cat,unit,stock_place,stock_place_article,desc,price,order,warning_order,stock,reserved,supplier,is_stock,type,status,active

Successfull response:

{ "pages": 5243, "pageSize": 1182, "page": 6983, "articlesCount": 8124, "articles": [{ "supplierAutomaticOrder": false, "supplierBuyPriceMisc": 876.7602073047576, "supplierExternalId": "supplierExternalId", "type": "type", "price": 5092.249452689101, "supplier": 2584, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "vatAccount": 7199, "links": [{ "name": "name", "type": "type", "url": "url" }], "stock": "true", "barcode": "barcode", "height": 1284.986999224814, "bundled": "false", "vat": 9556.605664013738, "nextDeliveryDate": 2895, "active": "true", "weight": 6046.503389711134, "tags": [{ "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 7465, "desc": "desc" }], "supplierBuyRate": 2873.180619257331, "unit": "st", "reserved": 9470.897460206208, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 6205.186352273035, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 3222.655825470971, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 5749, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 1875.2958722404146, "buyPriceShipment": 5998.654612888597, "buyPriceMisc": 592.7082864602017, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 8588.129138242171, "isStock": false, "stockWarning": 2683.8747220304517 }], "supplierBuyPriceShipment": 6453.2532970645725, "manufacturerArticleId": "manufacturerArticleId", "imageLastUpdated": 9612, "orderedAmount": 527.3882528799312, "stockWarning": 5381.623576593259, "customFields": [{ "name": "name", "type": "type", "validValues": [{ "description": "description", "value": "value" }], "value": "value" }], "barcodeType": "EAN", "description": "description", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "criticalLevel": 4424.929657738812, "manufacturer": "manufacturer", "batches": { "totalSerialNumbersReserved": 1959.7579649700535, "batches": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 936.0885061390012, "bestBefore": 2077, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesInStock": 9174.831873440198, "totalSerialNumbersInStock": 8608.110629035542, "serialNumbers": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 9318.929969623809, "bestBefore": 4023, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesReserved": 583.3324294010089, "totalBatches": 5404, "totalSerialNumbers": 2070 }, "webshopArticle": "false", "availableAmount": 2821.0403200506494, "orderLevel": 5272.954821304981, "prices": [{ "listId": 8385, "price": "0", "articleId": "articleId", "fromQuantity": "0", "listExternalId": "listExternalId" }], "supplierArticles": [{ "supplierName": "supplierName", "supplierAutomaticOrder": true, "supplierBuyPriceMisc": 4395.887951905514, "supplierBuyRate": "1.0", "supplierBuyPrice": 1019.7373996458925, "supplier": 9003, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "supplierBuyCurrency": "Store currency", "supplierBuyPriceShipment": 6482.891939621678 }], "automaticOrder": true, "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveredAmount": 8972.412388446073, "amount": 7749.97080885278, "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "depth": 560.1017513479545, "supplierBuyPrice": 398.98765564821304, "supplierBuyCurrency": "supplierBuyCurrency", "width": 7313.951455677322, "category": "övrigt" }], "since": 5215 }

Get articles for category

GETUrl: /category/{category_id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of articles connected to a category

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
page 0
limit 25
order asc asc,desc
sort_column name art,name,bundled,cat,unit,stock_place,stock_place_article,desc,price,order,warning_order,stock,reserved,supplier,is_stock,type,status,active
details true
prices false
include_purchase_prices false
include_image_last_updated false
include_bundle false
include_next_delivery false
include_batches false

Successfull response:

{ "pages": 6671, "pageSize": 1529, "page": 3388, "articlesCount": 1680, "articles": [{ "supplierAutomaticOrder": true, "supplierBuyPriceMisc": 8080.247840270026, "supplierExternalId": "supplierExternalId", "type": "type", "price": 9748.057766903354, "supplier": 6088, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "vatAccount": 2543, "links": [{ "name": "name", "type": "type", "url": "url" }], "stock": "true", "barcode": "barcode", "height": 2730.7452326492153, "bundled": "false", "vat": 4841.989396058044, "nextDeliveryDate": 8607, "active": "true", "weight": 1506.7783762194254, "tags": [{ "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 622, "desc": "desc" }], "supplierBuyRate": 7442.8741876930635, "unit": "st", "reserved": 4692.428987103118, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 6026.069509290821, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 7625.671396958551, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 359, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 2484.7670241187416, "buyPriceShipment": 7770.387367614387, "buyPriceMisc": 7659.355851488968, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 84.22504012193576, "isStock": true, "stockWarning": 7297.228670110884 }], "supplierBuyPriceShipment": 5544.773682073063, "manufacturerArticleId": "manufacturerArticleId", "imageLastUpdated": 2039, "orderedAmount": 1380.186779193844, "stockWarning": 6586.671349444943, "customFields": [{ "name": "name", "type": "type", "validValues": [{ "description": "description", "value": "value" }], "value": "value" }], "barcodeType": "EAN", "description": "description", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "criticalLevel": 1672.8553355037545, "manufacturer": "manufacturer", "batches": { "totalSerialNumbersReserved": 2850.422836434765, "batches": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 3345.3395756261816, "bestBefore": 2023, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesInStock": 5472.071562420122, "totalSerialNumbersInStock": 1439.4786249451809, "serialNumbers": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 5004.165640376371, "bestBefore": 3018, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesReserved": 8045.731688751988, "totalBatches": 5619, "totalSerialNumbers": 4610 }, "webshopArticle": "false", "availableAmount": 727.4533439380671, "orderLevel": 181.4772980939039, "prices": [{ "listId": 200, "price": "0", "articleId": "articleId", "fromQuantity": "0", "listExternalId": "listExternalId" }], "supplierArticles": [{ "supplierName": "supplierName", "supplierAutomaticOrder": false, "supplierBuyPriceMisc": 454.03033744249257, "supplierBuyRate": "1.0", "supplierBuyPrice": 8168.077692861672, "supplier": 5477, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "supplierBuyCurrency": "Store currency", "supplierBuyPriceShipment": 6261.74249280072 }], "automaticOrder": false, "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveredAmount": 1926.12524024946, "amount": 8579.755327413339, "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "depth": 6322.739601841077, "supplierBuyPrice": 698.5552963523434, "supplierBuyCurrency": "supplierBuyCurrency", "width": 7342.490855620402, "category": "övrigt" }], "since": 2961 }

Get stockplaces

GETUrl: /stockplaces
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get list of stockplaces used in articles
Successfull response:

{"stockplaces": [{ "articles": 133, "stockplace": "stockplace" }]}

Get history articles

GETUrl: /history
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of articles for a specific date

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
page 0
limit 25
category Include a category-id to only include articles for this category
include_paging_info true

Successfull response:

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Get history articles info

GETUrl: /history/info
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get info on number of articles and pages exists in stock for given date

Valid parameters:

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Successfull response:

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Get articles for autocomplete

GETUrl: /autocomplete
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of articles with bare minimum of fields to use for autocomplete fields

Valid parameters:

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Successfull response:

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Get articles low in stock

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Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of articles below stock warning

Valid parameters:

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Successfull response:

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Count articles low in stock

GETUrl: /stockwarning/count
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get the number of articles below stock warning

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
include_ordered true

Successfull response:

{"count": 1219}

Get article (external)

GETUrl: /external/{id : .+}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get an article based on external article-id

Valid parameters:

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Successfull response:

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Get article

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Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get an article based on article-id

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Successfull response:

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Get article history

GETUrl: /{id : .+}/history
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get an article history based on article-id

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Successfull response:

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Get next article id

GETUrl: /next_id
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get next available unique article id
Successfull response:

{"id": "id"}

Add article tags

POSTUrl: /tag
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Add article tags for store group

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Successfull response:

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Add new article

Accept: application/json or application/xml
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Add a new article

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Successfull response:

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Add articles

POSTUrl: /list
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Add a list of articles
Successfull response:

Import articles

POSTUrl: /import/{template_id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: multipart/form-data
Import articles from excel or tsv

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
register_delivery false

Successfull response:

Test import articles

POSTUrl: /import/test/{template_id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: multipart/form-data
Test import articles from excel or tsv. This will read the first data-row from the uploaded file and return the result. Can be used to verify that the template being used is mapped correctly. No actual changed will be saved.

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values

Successfull response:

Import bundled articles

POSTUrl: /import/bundle
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: multipart/form-data
Import structure for bundled articles from excel or tsv

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
file_type tsv

Successfull response:

Test import bundled articles

POSTUrl: /import/bundle/test
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: multipart/form-data
Test import structure for bundled articles from excel or tsv. No actual changed will be saved.

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
file_type tsv

Successfull response:

Update articles

PUTUrl: /list
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update a list of existing articles (Max 100 articles per request)

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Successfull response:

Update article

PUTUrl: /{id : .+}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update an existing article

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
sort_column batch_id batch_id,serie_nr,amount,best_before
order desc asc,desc


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Successfull response:

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Update article reserved

PUTUrl: /{id : .+}/reserved
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update an article´s reserved value
Successfull response:

{"reserved": 4285.104660495403}

Update article fifo rate

PUTUrl: /{id : .+}/fifo/rate
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update an existing article fifo purchase rate for a specific timestamp

{ "date": 1722061607809, "rate": 9358.153216484034 }
Successfull response:

Update article fifo purchase price

PUTUrl: /{id : .+}/fifo/purchase_price
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update an existing article fifo purchase price for a specific timestamp

{ "date": 1722061607810, "price": 6287.489346609748 }
Successfull response:

Move article

PUTUrl: /{id : .+}/move
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Move article to another store

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Successfull response:

Bulk update articles

PUTUrl: /bulk
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update a field for a list of existing articles (Max 100 articles per request)

{ "field": "field", "pricelistId": 6973, "type": "SET", "articles": [{}], "value": "value" }
Successfull response:

{ "field": "field", "pricelistId": 6102, "articles": [{ "articleId": "articleId", "value": "value" }] }

Delete list of articles

PUTUrl: /bulk/delete
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Delete list of existing articles (Max 100 articles per request)

{"articles": [{}]}
Successfull response:

Create bundles for article

PUTUrl: /{id : .+}/bundles
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Create bundles for article

{ "amount": 1722.3864573885394, "articleName": "articleName", "articleId": "articleId" }
Successfull response:

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Split bundles for article

PUTUrl: /{id : .+}/split
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Split bundles for article

{ "amount": 9121.537276166871, "articleName": "articleName", "articleId": "articleId" }
Successfull response:

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Delete article fifo

DELETEUrl: /fifo/{id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Delete a specific fifo row
Successfull response:

Delete article

DELETEUrl: /{id : .+}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Delete article based on article-id
Successfull response:

Delete fifo

DELETEUrl: /{id : .+}/fifo
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Delete all article fifos based on article-id
Successfull response:


Get batches

GETUrl: /batch
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get batches based on query

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
include_all_batches true
page 0
limit 100

Successfull response:

{ "totalSerialNumbersReserved": 4035.9371094661888, "batches": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 7406.958311669235, "bestBefore": 9558, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesInStock": 3724.7147267983273, "totalSerialNumbersInStock": 3833.590324497499, "serialNumbers": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 4182.845326472065, "bestBefore": 6361, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesReserved": 3102.165386706528, "totalBatches": 5635, "totalSerialNumbers": 7084 }

Get serial numbers

GETUrl: /serialnumber
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get serial numbers based on query

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
page 0
limit 100

Successfull response:

{ "totalSerialNumbersReserved": 5940.623579350185, "batches": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 6253.60966036891, "bestBefore": 9405, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesInStock": 4837.190849666169, "totalSerialNumbersInStock": 9010.184959094371, "serialNumbers": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 463.01964735604327, "bestBefore": 6084, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesReserved": 3894.5793023090814, "totalBatches": 6829, "totalSerialNumbers": 7522 }

Get batches for article

GETUrl: /{id : .+}/batch
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get batches for a specific article based on article-id

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
page 0
limit 100
sort_column batch_id batch_id,serie_nr,amount,best_before
order_by asc asc,desc

Successfull response:

{ "totalSerialNumbersReserved": 1505.983229807849, "batches": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 7665.887184986604, "bestBefore": 3398, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesInStock": 3355.455490118384, "totalSerialNumbersInStock": 1591.214110763155, "serialNumbers": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 7624.778345807186, "bestBefore": 9362, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesReserved": 2783.094504702931, "totalBatches": 7925, "totalSerialNumbers": 9163 }

Get serial numbers for article

GETUrl: /{id : .+}/serialnumber
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get serial numbers for a specific article based on article-id

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
include_all_serial_numbers true
page 0
limit 100
sort_column batch_id batch_id,serie_nr,amount,best_before
order_by asc asc,desc

Successfull response:

{ "totalSerialNumbersReserved": 6333.208051902831, "batches": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 3041.2628856595948, "bestBefore": 3063, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesInStock": 420.5422856935415, "totalSerialNumbersInStock": 5495.961793851099, "serialNumbers": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 6892.368315320648, "bestBefore": 7182, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesReserved": 3687.7969067354898, "totalBatches": 9341, "totalSerialNumbers": 1970 }

Get batches and serial numbers for article

GETUrl: /{id : .+}/batch/serialnumber
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get batches and serial numbers for a specific article based on article-id

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
filter_all_batches true
page 0
limit 100
sort_column batch_id batch_id,serie_nr,amount,best_before
order desc asc,desc

Successfull response:

{ "totalSerialNumbersReserved": 2538.830658408392, "batches": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 3962.257799243667, "bestBefore": 1321, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesInStock": 8129.172812448145, "totalSerialNumbersInStock": 8847.272204341954, "serialNumbers": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 816.8350644507716, "bestBefore": 6295, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesReserved": 3904.245951047902, "totalBatches": 9772, "totalSerialNumbers": 5023 }

Get batches and serial numbers

GETUrl: /batch/serialnumber
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get batches and serial numbers

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
batch true
serial true
filter_all_batches true
page 0
limit 100

Successfull response:

{ "totalSerialNumbersReserved": 6602.514237449397, "batches": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 3576.448141163767, "bestBefore": 1272, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesInStock": 5316.0924950828685, "totalSerialNumbersInStock": 5082.616289115031, "serialNumbers": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 8265.660648463845, "bestBefore": 9086, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesReserved": 1198.5859343001837, "totalBatches": 3513, "totalSerialNumbers": 3437 }

Add batch

POSTUrl: /{id : .+}/batch
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Add batch to an existing article

{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "bestBefore": 4652, "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }
Successfull response:

Import batches and serial numbers

POSTUrl: /import/batch_serial
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: multipart/form-data
Import batches and serial numbers for articles from excel or tsv

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
file_type tsv

Successfull response:

Test import batches and serial numbers

POSTUrl: /import/batch_serial/test
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: multipart/form-data
Test import batches and serial numbers for articles from excel or tsv. No actual changed will be saved.

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
file_type tsv

Successfull response:

Add serial number

POSTUrl: /{id : .+}/serialnumber
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Add serial number to an existing article

{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "bestBefore": 8566, "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }
Successfull response:

Add serial numbers sequence

POSTUrl: /{id : .+}/serialnumber/list
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Create a sequence of serial numbers to an existing article

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
start 1
length 0
amount 1
set_barcode_from_serialnumber false

Successfull response:

Update batch

PUTUrl: /{id : .+}/batch/{batch_id : .+}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update batch for a specific article

{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 9128.775982696417, "bestBefore": 6069, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }
Successfull response:

Update serial number

PUTUrl: /{id : .+}/serialnumber/{serialnumber : .+}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update serial number for a specific article

{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 6653.757460738031, "bestBefore": 5085, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }
Successfull response:

Delete batch

DELETEUrl: /{id : .+}/batch/{batch_id : .+}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Delete a batch for a specific article
Successfull response:

Delete serial number

DELETEUrl: /{id : .+}/serialnumber/{serialnumber : .+}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Delete serial number for a specific article
Successfull response:

Custom fields

Get custom fields template

GETUrl: /customfields_template
Accept: application/json or application/xml
The template contains fields that will automatically be added to new articles

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values

Successfull response:

{"fields": [{ "name": "name", "type": "type", "validValues": [{ "description": "description", "value": "value" }], "value": "value" }]}

Get custom fields not in template

GETUrl: /customfields
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get custom fields which exists on articles but is not in the template

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
page 0
limit 50

Successfull response:

{"fields": [{ "name": "name", "type": "type", "validValues": [{ "description": "description", "value": "value" }], "value": "value" }]}

Update custom fields template

PUTUrl: /customfields_template
Accept: application/json or application/xml
The template contains fields that will automatically be added to new articles

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
update_articles false


{"fields": [{ "name": "name", "type": "type", "validValues": [{ "description": "description", "value": "value" }], "value": "value" }]}
Successfull response:

{"fields": [{ "name": "name", "type": "type", "validValues": [{ "description": "description", "value": "value" }], "value": "value" }]}


Get export dates

GETUrl: export
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of existing export dates. Each date corresponds to an article export file
Successfull response:

{ "pages": 6222, "datesCount": 2712, "pageSize": 8662, "dates": [{ "date": 1722061607836, "stockValue": 2557.730242512668, "stockValueFIFO": 1248.8319411679017, "id": "id", "type": "type" }], "page": 7001 }

Get export for date

GETUrl: /export/{date}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get existing export file for specific date
Successfull response:

Get export by id

GETUrl: /export/file/{id : .+}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get existing export file based on id
Successfull response:

Create export

POSTUrl: /export/{template_id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Create export file for today´s date for specific template
Successfull response:

Create export for date

POSTUrl: /export/{template_id}/date/{date}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Create export file for specific date and template
Successfull response:

Create export for stock changes

POSTUrl: /export/{template_id}/stock_changes
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Create export file for specific period and template that lists stock changes

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
start_date Start date of export period. Format is yyyy-MM-dd and defaults to 1 month prior end date
end_date End date of export period. Format is yyyy-MM-dd and defaults to today´s date

Successfull response:

Export bundled articles

POSTUrl: /export/bundle
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Create export file for today´s date for bundled articles
Successfull response:

Field list

Get field list for settings

GETUrl: /fields/{articleFields}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get field list for delivery note and order confirmation settings
Successfull response:

{"fields": [{}]}


Print labels

GETUrl: /{id : .+}/labels/print
Accept: application/pdf or application/json
Print labels for article

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
count 1
label_width 110
label_height 28
label_margin_width 2
label_margin_height 2
paper_width 210
paper_height 297
paper_margin_width 0
paper_margin_height 0

Successfull response:

Print labels

GETUrl: /labels/print
Accept: application/pdf or application/json
Print labels for article

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
count 1
label_width 110
label_height 28
label_margin_width 2
label_margin_height 2
paper_width 210
paper_height 297
paper_margin_width 0
paper_margin_height 0

Successfull response:

Print bundled article

GETUrl: /{id : .+}/bundle/print
Accept: application/pdf or application/json
Print bundle article as PDF

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
amount 1

Successfull response:

Print supplier articles

GETUrl: /supplier/{supplier_id}/print
Accept: application/pdf or application/json
Print articles connected to a supplier as PDF
Successfull response:


Get stock value

GETUrl: /stockvalue
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get stock value for selected store

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values

Successfull response:

{ "stockValue": 1226.5167248136288, "stockValueFIFO": 9761.5815473151 }


Get import templates

GETUrl: /import/templates
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get article import templates

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
page 0
limit 50

Successfull response:

{ "importTemplates": [{ "data": { "rowFirst": 5316, "customFields": {}, "barcodeType": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3417 }, "description": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9017 }, "stockPlace": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4611 }, "isActive": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3540 }, "type": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3230 }, "criticalLevel": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3235 }, "buyPriceCurrency": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1657 }, "manufacturer": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 481 }, "buyPriceShipment": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7634 }, "rate": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1201 }, "orderLevel": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3453 }, "buyPriceMisc": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4589 }, "supplier": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1896 }, "supplierArticleId": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7842 }, "vatAccount": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2962 }, "isWebshopArticle": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1236 }, "barcode": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1069 }, "height": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 8231 }, "isBundled": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9190 }, "buyPrice": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3305 }, "amount": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3421 }, "articleName": 5967, "rowTitle": 2007, "articleId": 6803, "vat": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4561 }, "weight": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7288 }, "tags": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7875 }, "unit": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 229 }, "depth": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3773 }, "priceLists": {}, "width": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1278 }, "manufacturerArticleId": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2998 }, "category": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6459 }, "isStock": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3975 }, "stockWarning": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1324 } }, "name": "name", "storegroupId": 4829, "id": 4126, "type": "type" }], "pages": 1575, "pageSize": 8604, "page": 7750, "importTemplateCount": 4271 }

Get article import template

GETUrl: /import/template/{id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get article import template
Successfull response:

{ "data": { "rowFirst": 185, "customFields": {}, "barcodeType": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3198 }, "description": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4229 }, "stockPlace": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2034 }, "isActive": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1195 }, "type": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7298 }, "criticalLevel": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6417 }, "buyPriceCurrency": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7247 }, "manufacturer": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7101 }, "buyPriceShipment": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3790 }, "rate": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4873 }, "orderLevel": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3756 }, "buyPriceMisc": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1333 }, "supplier": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9116 }, "supplierArticleId": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1070 }, "vatAccount": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9848 }, "isWebshopArticle": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6719 }, "barcode": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 776 }, "height": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6728 }, "isBundled": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 8218 }, "buyPrice": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7694 }, "amount": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4520 }, "articleName": 9271, "rowTitle": 3245, "articleId": 4963, "vat": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9609 }, "weight": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7653 }, "tags": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2075 }, "unit": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 8274 }, "depth": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9401 }, "priceLists": {}, "width": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 5610 }, "manufacturerArticleId": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1112 }, "category": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2724 }, "isStock": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7830 }, "stockWarning": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 8723 } }, "name": "name", "storegroupId": 2565, "id": 3003, "type": "type" }

Add article import template

POSTUrl: /import/template
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Add an article import template

{ "data": { "rowFirst": 6668, "customFields": {}, "barcodeType": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 5882 }, "description": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4895 }, "stockPlace": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4907 }, "isActive": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1162 }, "type": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9922 }, "criticalLevel": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7690 }, "buyPriceCurrency": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6864 }, "manufacturer": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2006 }, "buyPriceShipment": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3938 }, "rate": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9789 }, "orderLevel": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 5529 }, "buyPriceMisc": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6137 }, "supplier": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1493 }, "supplierArticleId": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6810 }, "vatAccount": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 8342 }, "isWebshopArticle": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3399 }, "barcode": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4627 }, "height": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9340 }, "isBundled": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3894 }, "buyPrice": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1848 }, "amount": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 424 }, "articleName": 9048, "rowTitle": 887, "articleId": 2171, "vat": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9780 }, "weight": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 420 }, "tags": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4036 }, "unit": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4158 }, "depth": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7197 }, "priceLists": {}, "width": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 214 }, "manufacturerArticleId": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 472 }, "category": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3393 }, "isStock": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9845 }, "stockWarning": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 751 } }, "name": "name", "storegroupId": 2945, "type": "type" }
Successfull response:

{ "data": { "rowFirst": 6270, "customFields": {}, "barcodeType": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3976 }, "description": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4230 }, "stockPlace": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 8277 }, "isActive": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4144 }, "type": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7742 }, "criticalLevel": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6552 }, "buyPriceCurrency": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7297 }, "manufacturer": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9 }, "buyPriceShipment": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 8869 }, "rate": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7843 }, "orderLevel": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6586 }, "buyPriceMisc": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6723 }, "supplier": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 5227 }, "supplierArticleId": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4757 }, "vatAccount": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2042 }, "isWebshopArticle": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1339 }, "barcode": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9977 }, "height": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3789 }, "isBundled": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2339 }, "buyPrice": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7919 }, "amount": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4878 }, "articleName": 970, "rowTitle": 3369, "articleId": 5694, "vat": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7838 }, "weight": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2584 }, "tags": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3384 }, "unit": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1670 }, "depth": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7365 }, "priceLists": {}, "width": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6998 }, "manufacturerArticleId": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 943 }, "category": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9471 }, "isStock": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 5050 }, "stockWarning": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2585 } }, "name": "name", "storegroupId": 1490, "id": 9309, "type": "type" }

Update article import template

PUTUrl: /import/template/{id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update an article import template

{ "data": { "rowFirst": 2890, "customFields": {}, "barcodeType": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4405 }, "description": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3846 }, "stockPlace": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3021 }, "isActive": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 5436 }, "type": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7067 }, "criticalLevel": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2614 }, "buyPriceCurrency": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4266 }, "manufacturer": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1340 }, "buyPriceShipment": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 8419 }, "rate": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 5790 }, "orderLevel": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 228 }, "buyPriceMisc": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 332 }, "supplier": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6869 }, "supplierArticleId": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9227 }, "vatAccount": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 702 }, "isWebshopArticle": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3684 }, "barcode": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3256 }, "height": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 8096 }, "isBundled": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6448 }, "buyPrice": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1749 }, "amount": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 5410 }, "articleName": 9502, "rowTitle": 6366, "articleId": 6414, "vat": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 8090 }, "weight": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 8408 }, "tags": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6848 }, "unit": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 412 }, "depth": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2225 }, "priceLists": {}, "width": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2178 }, "manufacturerArticleId": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1441 }, "category": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7600 }, "isStock": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1583 }, "stockWarning": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9200 } }, "name": "name", "storegroupId": 8778, "id": 4290, "type": "type" }
Successfull response:

{ "data": { "rowFirst": 744, "customFields": {}, "barcodeType": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9987 }, "description": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3497 }, "stockPlace": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2214 }, "isActive": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4100 }, "type": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9141 }, "criticalLevel": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3021 }, "buyPriceCurrency": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2182 }, "manufacturer": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4424 }, "buyPriceShipment": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 8736 }, "rate": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 751 }, "orderLevel": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6517 }, "buyPriceMisc": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 8821 }, "supplier": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 590 }, "supplierArticleId": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4969 }, "vatAccount": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9846 }, "isWebshopArticle": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 7265 }, "barcode": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 5026 }, "height": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9820 }, "isBundled": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3660 }, "buyPrice": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1021 }, "amount": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 9635 }, "articleName": 4690, "rowTitle": 3824, "articleId": 4498, "vat": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 4453 }, "weight": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2665 }, "tags": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6161 }, "unit": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 3827 }, "depth": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2937 }, "priceLists": {}, "width": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6191 }, "manufacturerArticleId": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2253 }, "category": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 1254 }, "isStock": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 2895 }, "stockWarning": { "defaultValue": "defaultValue", "column": 6417 } }, "name": "name", "storegroupId": 3644, "id": 6657, "type": "type" }

Update article to bundle or simple

PUTUrl: /{id : .+}/bundle
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update an article to bundle or simple

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values

Successfull response:

{ "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 6116, "desc": "desc" }

Delete import template

DELETEUrl: import/template/{id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Delete import template for articles
Successfull response:

Delete custom field

DELETEUrl: customfields/{name}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Delete custom field and remove it from articles
Successfull response:


Traceability for a bundled article

GETUrl: /{article_id}/batch/{batch_id}/traceability
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get bundled parts with batch and serial numbers for a batch
Successfull response:

{ "modifiedStructure": false, "traceability": [{ "amount": 6785.391553234576, "articleName": "articleName", "serial": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": 2114.5233570479095, "reserved": 1304.2892559205034, "bestBefore": 1722061607844, "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "producedAmount": 9328.852424193297, "articleId": "articleId", "batch": { "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": 3874.7670967889935, "reserved": 3794.689600113772, "bestBefore": 1722061607844, "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" } }] }

Traceability for a bundled article

GETUrl: /{article_id}/serial/{serial_nr}/traceability
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get bundled parts with batch and serial numbers for a serial number
Successfull response:

{ "modifiedStructure": true, "traceability": [{ "amount": 7158.5199714601895, "articleName": "articleName", "serial": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": 7495.609694574584, "reserved": 6186.5001439000125, "bestBefore": 1722061607844, "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "producedAmount": 7253.85205317267, "articleId": "articleId", "batch": { "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": 5118.87061751917, "reserved": 4445.982892597189, "bestBefore": 1722061607844, "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" } }] }



Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String Write only with POST Post R,W
externalId String External article id R,W
active Boolean true R,W
name String Post R,W
bundled Boolean Write only with POST false R,W
parts List If article is bundled this is the parts contained in the article. When updating an existing bundled article this list will replace old list. If list is null, no replacement will be made. If list is empty, all parts will be removed R,W
batches ArticleBatches Returns the first 20 batches and the first 20 serial numbers connected to this article R
description String R,W
category String övrigt R,W
amount Double Available amount. This means stock amount reduced by reserved amount R,W
reserved Double Reserved amount R
barcode String R,W
barcodeType String EAN EAN, CODE128, QR, UPC R,W
price Double R,W
prices List R,W
supplier Long If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored if not null, must point to an existing supplier R,W
supplierExternalId String external id of Supplier R
supplierName String If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored if not null, must point to an existing supplier R,W
supplierArticleId String If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored R,W
supplierAutomaticOrder Boolean If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored R,W
supplierBuyPrice Double Total buy price including shipment and misc costs. If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored R,W
supplierBuyPriceShipment Double If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored R,W
supplierArticles List If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored R,W
supplierBuyPriceMisc Double If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored R,W
supplierBuyCurrency String R
supplierBuyRate Double R
unit String st R,W
vat Double Vat in percentage. If both vat-account and vat is submitted, vat-account takes precedence Post R,W
vatAccount Integer If both vat-account and vat is submitted, vat-account takes precedence R,W
imageLastUpdated Long R
type String Stock means it's a physical product and service means it's work and lacks stock-amount Post Stock, Service R,W
stock Boolean True means it's a physical article in stock and false means it's an article that needs to be ordered from supplier true R,W
webshopArticle Boolean false R,W
manufacturer String R,W
manufacturerArticleId String R,W
customFields List if you have need for other type of fields then what lagerkoll offers you can use this key-value list. When creating / updating an article the content of this list will replace the list of fields in the existing article R,W
links List R,W
tags List Make sure you provide tagId for existing tags, otherwise new ones will be created R,W
width Double R,W
height Double R,W
depth Double R,W
weight Double R,W
stockPlace String R,W
stockWarning Double R,W
criticalLevel Double When amount reaches the critical level it is automatically added to a purchase order, with amount set to order level R,W
orderLevel Double When amount reaches the critical level it is automatically added to a purchase order, with amount set to order level R,W
automaticOrder Boolean Set flag to true if the article should be automatically added to a purchase order when stock level reaches the critical level R,W
nextDeliveryDate Long If there is a purchase order for this article, this would be the delivery date for that order R
orderedAmount Double If there is a purchase order for this article, this would be the ordered amount for that order R
deliveredAmount Double If there is a purchase order for this article, this would be the delivered amount for that order R
availableAmount Double Amount available for given deliveryDate R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String R
active Boolean R
name String R
bundled Boolean R
amount Double R
reserved Double R
barcode String R,W
barcodeType String EAN EAN, CODE128, QR, UPC R,W
price Double R
supplierBuyPrice Double R
supplierBuyPriceShipment Double R
supplierBuyPriceMisc Double R
supplierBuyCurrency String R
supplierBuyRate Double R
unit String R
type String Stock means it's a physical product and service means it's work and lacks stock-amount Stock, Service R
stock Boolean True means it's a physical article in stock and false means it's an article that needs to be ordered from supplier R
vat Double VAT for article R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String Id of article the batch/serialnumber is connected to R
articleName String Name of article R
batchId String batch-id or serial-nr must be set, Write only with POST Post R,W
serialNr String batch-id or serial-nr must be set, Write only with POST Post R,W
amount double 1 R,W
reserved double Reserved is set automatically when part of a customer order that has not yet been invoiced R
barcode String Write only with POST R,W
bestBefore Long ms since 1970, Write only with POST R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
totalBatches Integer Total number of batches for an article R
batches List Current page of batches for an article R
totalSerialNumbers Integer Total number of serial numbers for an article R
serialNumbers List Current page of serial numbers for an article R
totalBatchesInStock Double Total batches in stock R
totalBatchesReserved Double Total batches reserved R
totalSerialNumbersInStock Double Total serial numbers in stock R
totalSerialNumbersReserved Double Total serial numbers reserved R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String R,W
value String R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
page int R
pages int R
pageSize int R
fifoCount int R
since long R
fifos List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String R
supplierId Long R
supplierName String R
oldCount Double R
newCount Double R
oldReserved Double R
newReserved Double R
pricelistId Long R
pricelistName String R
oldSalesPrice Double R
newSalesPrice Double R
oldPurchasePrice Double R
newPurchasePrice Double R
userId Long R
userName String R
reason String R
created Date R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
page int R
pages int R
pageSize int R
historyCount int R
since long R
history List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
id String R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articles List List of article ids R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
id long R
storegroupId long R,W
name String R,W
type String R,W
data ImportTemplate R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
page int R
pages int R
pageSize int R
importTemplateCount int R
importTemplates List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
name String Post R,W
url String Post R,W
type String Post unknown, webpage, image, document, lagerkoll_document R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String PUT R,W
amount Double PUT R,W
toStoreId Long Id of stock that article is moved to PUT R,W
batches ArticleBatches PUT R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
reserved double R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articlesCount int R
page int R
pageSize int R
pages int R
articles List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
page int R
pages int R
pageSize int R
articlesCount int R
since long R
articles List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
stockplace String R
articles Integer Number of articles in this stockplace R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
stockplaces List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
id long Write only with POST Post R,W
externalId String R,W
name String Post R,W
desc String Post R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
batchId String R,W
serialNr String R,W
amount double R,W
reserved double R,W
barcode String R,W
bestBefore Date R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
storegroupId long R
articleId String Article id R
unit Unit Unit id true R,W
convert Double Conversion coefficient between unit and the article base unit true R,W
barcode String Barcode conected to unit R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
units List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articles List List of article ids R,W
field String Field to update R,W
pricelistId Long When updating sales price the pricelist should be given R,W
type BulkArticle$BulkType Describe how the updated value should be applied. SET will set the value, PERCENTAGE will add to existing value, PROFIT will calculate sales price taking purchase price into account. PERCENTAGE and PROFIT is only valid for sales prices SET SET, PERCENTAGE, PROFIT R,W
value String Value for field that will be applied to all articles in the list R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articles List List of articles with the updated field value R,W
field String Updated field R,W
pricelistId Long Pricelist when sales price has been updated R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String R,W
articleName String R
amount double R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String R,W
articleName String R
externalId String External article id R
amount Double Amount of this article for a single bundled article Post/Put R,W
isStock Boolean Is article is of type stock R
stockWarning Double Warning for low stock level R
stock Double Number of articles in stock R
reserved Double Number of articles reserved. Number of available = stock - reserved R
type String Stock means it's a physical product and service means it's work and lacks stock-amount Post Stock, Service R,W
unitName String R
stockPlace String R
buyPrice Double R
buyPriceShipment Double R
buyPriceMisc Double R
buyPriceCurrency String R
supplierId Long R
supplierName String R
supplierArticleId String R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
count int R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
id Long Write only with POST Post R,W
externalId String R,W
name String Post R,W
desc String Post R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
page int R
pages int R
pageSize int R
projectsCount int R
tags List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
name String Post R,W
type String Post String, Number, Int, Long, Float, Double Boolean, Date, Json, JsonArray, Email R,W
value String Post R,W
validValues List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
fields List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
value String R
description String R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
id String Id of export file R
type String Type of export daily, weekly, monthly, inventory, other R
date Date Date of export R
stockValue Double Stockvalue for specified date R
stockValueFIFO Double Stockvalue FIFO for specified date R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
page int R
pages int R
pageSize int R
datesCount int R
dates List List of export dates R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
fields List Returns list of field names R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
id long R
date Date R
amount double R
amountInStock double R
supplierId long R
supplierName String R
purchasePrice double R
purchaseRate double R
supplierOrderId long R
poRef String R
description String R
userId long R
userName String R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
date Date Format is sent in ms since 1970 R
price Double R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
date Date R
rate Double R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
rowTitle Integer R,W
rowFirst Integer R,W
articleName Integer R,W
articleId Integer R,W
description ImportTemplateColumn R,W
isActive ImportTemplateColumn R,W
isBundled ImportTemplateColumn R,W
category ImportTemplateColumn R,W
amount ImportTemplateColumn R,W
unit ImportTemplateColumn R,W
barcode ImportTemplateColumn R,W
barcodeType ImportTemplateColumn R,W
buyPrice ImportTemplateColumn R,W
buyPriceShipment ImportTemplateColumn R,W
buyPriceMisc ImportTemplateColumn R,W
rate ImportTemplateColumn R,W
buyPriceCurrency ImportTemplateColumn R,W
supplier ImportTemplateColumn R,W
supplierArticleId ImportTemplateColumn R,W
vat ImportTemplateColumn R,W
vatAccount ImportTemplateColumn R,W
isStock ImportTemplateColumn R,W
type ImportTemplateColumn R,W
stockPlace ImportTemplateColumn R,W
stockWarning ImportTemplateColumn R,W
criticalLevel ImportTemplateColumn R,W
orderLevel ImportTemplateColumn R,W
isWebshopArticle ImportTemplateColumn R,W
manufacturer ImportTemplateColumn R,W
manufacturerArticleId ImportTemplateColumn R,W
width ImportTemplateColumn R,W
height ImportTemplateColumn R,W
depth ImportTemplateColumn R,W
weight ImportTemplateColumn R,W
tags ImportTemplateColumn R,W
priceLists HashMap R,W
customFields HashMap R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
column Integer R,W
defaultValue String R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String R,W
articleName String R,W
amount double Amount of parts to create one bundled R,W
producedAmount double Total amount that has been produced (with regards to overproduction and waste) multiplied with amount needed to create a bundled R,W
batch ArticleTraceabilityBatch R,W
serial List R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
traceability List R,W
modifiedStructure boolean Check if the bundle article structure have changed e.g. articles have been added/removed R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
listId Long Write only with POST Post R,W
listExternalId String External id of pricelist R
articleId String Write only with POST Post R,W
fromQuantity double Write only with POST 0 R,W
price Double To remove a price, send null to server 0 R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
stockValue double R
stockValueFIFO double R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String Article id R
name String Article name R
storeId long Store where article belongs R
storeName String Name of store R
availableAmount Double Available stock amount of article R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
page int R
pages int R
pageSize int R
articlesCount int R
since long R
articles List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
supplier Long if not null, must point to an existing supplier R,W
supplierName String if not null, must point to an existing supplier R,W
supplierArticleId String R,W
supplierAutomaticOrder boolean R
supplierBuyPrice Double Total buy price including shipment and misc costs R,W
supplierBuyPriceShipment Double R,W
supplierBuyPriceMisc Double R,W
supplierBuyCurrency String If omitted, supplier's currency is used. If supplier is missing, it defaults to store's currency Store currency R,W
supplierBuyRate Double If supplier's currency differ from store's currency, provide an exchange rate. If rate is omitted, the supplier's rate is used. If supplier is missing, it defaults to 1.0 1.0 R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
id Long R,W
externalId String R
name String Name of unit R,W