Goto APIs

Customer orders API



Parameters in the url should all be encoded and all data sent should be UTF-8

MAX number of requests per minute is set to 200.
When the limit is hit an error with code 429 is returned, with the header "Retry-After" containing the number of seconds you have to wait for your next request.


There are 2 ways to be authenticated when using this API. in both ways you add headers to the request.
1) Use an API-key together with store-id. This would be used when communicating machine to machine and no real person is involved. The API-key is available from where you activated the API. The store-id is also available in the same place.
2) Use a user_id and user_token together with a store-id. You get these values from the login-request. The values are connected to a person and are gained when an actual login to the system has been made.
store: <<STORE>>
user_id: <<USER_ID>>
user_token: <<USER_TOKEN>>
api_key: <<API_KEY>>
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json


Code Description
900001 Credentials don't match
900101 Common error
900429 Too many requests
900701 Error when getting customer order
900702 Error when creating a customer order
900703 Error when updating a customer order
900711 Error when getting picking list
900713 Error when updating picking list
900721 Error when getting rest articles
900732 Error creating drop shipment from Customer order
900743 Error sending confirmation
900752 Customer order value is 0
900761 Error when getting offer
900762 Error when creating an offer
900763 Error when updating an offer
  "errorCode" : 900101,
  "errorMessage" : "Something went wrong on the server",
  "errorField" : null,
  "errorData" : null

Customer orders API:

Customer orders

Get customer order by external id

GETUrl: /external/{external_id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a single customer order based on external order id
Successfull response:

{ "ordersCount": 3112, "pages": 6061, "totalCustomerOrderValue": 9726.459594053731, "pageSize": 8472, "orders": [{ "orderId": 3023, "totalPrice": 2961.7007243073167, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 3561.737572702447, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 1954.2966625103797, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 1088.9436000352537, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": true, "totalPrice": 5238.682632112423, "costCenter": 2269, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 7446.1814885774165, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 5955.803532357009, "storeId": 9409, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571411, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 9720.775143443603, "tg": 5759.609434022739, "availableAmount": 6589.291282427517, "storeGroupId": 8778, "rowIndex": 1895, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 2484, "orderedAmount": 7620.074829137135, "stockWarning": 9566.371439980228 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571411, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 1423, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 5439, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571411, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 1438, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 8893.243812086474, "currencyRate": 6972.356738282405, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571411, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 8409, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }], "page": 3339, "since": 4816 }

Get customer order

GETUrl: /{id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a single customer orders based on order id
Successfull response:

{ "ordersCount": 6775, "pages": 5987, "totalCustomerOrderValue": 2594.2133609411667, "pageSize": 6644, "orders": [{ "orderId": 4009, "totalPrice": 5463.234602826125, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 7444.541171409307, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 9796.0460034068, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 2278.98419198828, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 6885.321633634945, "costCenter": 6227, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 3097.9763495580305, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 8027.997335828653, "storeId": 8283, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571412, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 2055.6916902900334, "tg": 8410.087664753975, "availableAmount": 5959.274295991874, "storeGroupId": 5689, "rowIndex": 4083, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 442, "orderedAmount": 3065.7033537316047, "stockWarning": 6119.320191052589 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571412, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 6149, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 5706, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571412, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 5603, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 4988.5363933278695, "currencyRate": 5161.90252313119, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571412, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 7860, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }], "page": 4899, "since": 9953 }

Get customer orders

Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of customer orders

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
state -1 -1,0,5,10,15,20,30,40,45,50,60
since 0
page 0
limit 50
sort_column id id,customer,order_date,delivery_date,delivered_date,state, way_of_delivery, order_value
order desc asc,desc

Successfull response:

{ "ordersCount": 8426, "pages": 2342, "totalCustomerOrderValue": 8865.06480366778, "pageSize": 7472, "orders": [{ "orderId": 5447, "totalPrice": 2594.569881116754, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 3886.139026088461, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 6826.769768854757, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 4770.6666535183695, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": true, "totalPrice": 6577.341481218089, "costCenter": 9678, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 8853.471568911078, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 8522.425738727985, "storeId": 1924, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571412, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 7683.2756621879935, "tg": 8349.262734263859, "availableAmount": 6155.338466784092, "storeGroupId": 1576, "rowIndex": 6699, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 1932, "orderedAmount": 4690.323979684314, "stockWarning": 1456.956490166712 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571412, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 5529, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 6630, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571412, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 6241, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 2825.9465871618927, "currencyRate": 2526.7360285650175, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571412, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 2760, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }], "page": 730, "since": 3243 }

Get customer orders with article

GETUrl: /article/{article_id : .+}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of customer orders that contains a specific article. It´s also possible to filter article on batch or serialnumber

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
from 0
to 0
page 0
limit 50
sort_column id id,customer,order_date,delivery_date,delivered_date,state
order desc asc,desc

Successfull response:

{ "ordersCount": 2506, "pages": 7050, "totalCustomerOrderValue": 7276.752750726237, "pageSize": 1144, "orders": [{ "orderId": 6663, "totalPrice": 4996.7867304454685, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 8850.86124792673, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 1148.5094922036199, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 3796.1374372453083, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 8609.045247141004, "costCenter": 2044, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 9738.20659003624, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 8662.252714248749, "storeId": 4290, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571419, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 6392.424687194321, "tg": 2147.95707063415, "availableAmount": 853.4824218402003, "storeGroupId": 7408, "rowIndex": 9020, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 8781, "orderedAmount": 4989.50744058382, "stockWarning": 669.3989092341046 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571419, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 1106, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 9094, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571419, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 8045, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 1907.5812534653446, "currencyRate": 3388.839133346764, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571419, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 5357, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }], "page": 616, "since": 8781 }

Get purchase orders for customer order

GETUrl: /{order_id}/purchase_orders
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get dropshipment orders for a customer order
Successfull response:

{ "ordersCount": 141, "pages": 1735, "pageSize": 7174, "orders": [{ "paymentTermsDescription": "paymentTermsDescription", "deliveryPhone": "deliveryPhone", "supplierOrderId": "supplierOrderId", "supplierId": 3368, "productionOrderId": 691, "deliveryTermsDescription": "deliveryTermsDescription", "customerOrderId": 7058, "contactPerson": "contactPerson", "deliveryZip": "deliveryZip", "productCount": 6165, "orderValue": 8208.985093128573, "confirmedDeliveryDate": 1713565571422, "externalInvoiceReference": "externalInvoiceReference", "orderValueCurrency": "orderValueCurrency", "deliveredDate": 1713565571422, "deliveryAddress": "deliveryAddress", "orderSentDate": 1713565571422, "deliveryContact": "deliveryContact", "id": 8085, "state": 4480, "deliveryDate": 1713565571422, "paymentTerms": "paymentTerms", "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "deliveryTerms": "deliveryTerms", "goodsMarking": "goodsMarking", "contactEmail": "contactEmail", "isPickNPack": "false", "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "orderValueStore": 8758.667317763488, "storeId": 7639, "deliveryCompany": "deliveryCompany", "message": "message", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "comment": "comment", "articles": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "articleName": "articleName", "purchasePriceMisc": "0", "articleId": "articleId", "description": "description", "purchasePrice": "0", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 1431 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 5899, "convert": 8982.565933603053, "barcode": "barcode" }], "type": "type", "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "1", "serialNr": "serialNr", "bestBefore": 8582, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": "unit", "availableAmount": "0", "rate": 7718.6007832717805, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "purchasePriceShipment": "0", "id": 6040, "orderedAmount": "0", "stock": true, "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits", "stockWarning": "0" }], "poReference": "poReference" }], "page": 2172 }

Get customer orders for state

GETUrl: /state/{state}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of customer orders based on state

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
from 0
to 0
page 0
limit 50
sort_column id id,delivery_date,delivered_date
order desc asc,desc

Successfull response:

{ "ordersCount": 9800, "pages": 8427, "totalCustomerOrderValue": 7751.634734384538, "pageSize": 8444, "orders": [{ "orderId": 2054, "totalPrice": 1270.2768278939259, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 2864.950262526369, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 1311.8776916925822, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 9877.893836703479, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 7796.990903664301, "costCenter": 8874, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 3585.444647280752, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 8809.124030401108, "storeId": 3329, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571425, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 1598.9223246194006, "tg": 9630.752942920899, "availableAmount": 4794.912188129354, "storeGroupId": 8804, "rowIndex": 4171, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 4538, "orderedAmount": 8138.470609777346, "stockWarning": 9770.456334533528 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571423, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 7236, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 6688, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571423, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 4574, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 3888.039221148677, "currencyRate": 7578.631467313203, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571423, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 8860, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }], "page": 3136, "since": 4319 }

Get products for customer order

GETUrl: /{id}/products
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get list of products for a customer order with details
Successfull response:

{ "supplierAutomaticOrder": true, "supplierBuyPriceMisc": 2005.6252302822252, "supplierExternalId": "supplierExternalId", "type": "type", "price": 9713.853570184283, "supplier": 2365, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "vatAccount": 9323, "links": [{ "name": "name", "type": "type", "url": "url" }], "stock": "true", "barcode": "barcode", "height": 4309.355290354186, "bundled": "false", "vat": 1070.6846811800008, "nextDeliveryDate": 3381, "active": "true", "weight": 9139.09301720585, "tags": [{ "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 7271, "desc": "desc" }], "supplierBuyRate": 215.6601846190731, "unit": "st", "reserved": 8424.258063429414, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 8841.46761482585, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 1802.2856908638696, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 6688, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 7246.359137214181, "buyPriceShipment": 3177.5465061250375, "buyPriceMisc": 205.0873979717427, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 2982.2262289124847, "isStock": false, "stockWarning": 5885.118439327664 }], "supplierBuyPriceShipment": 6030.02409786436, "manufacturerArticleId": "manufacturerArticleId", "imageLastUpdated": 9759, "orderedAmount": 8540.088585625484, "stockWarning": 7858.365834240939, "customFields": [{ "name": "name", "type": "type", "validValues": [{ "description": "description", "value": "value" }], "value": "value" }], "barcodeType": "EAN", "description": "description", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "criticalLevel": 1505.8384950718473, "manufacturer": "manufacturer", "batches": { "totalSerialNumbersReserved": 539.7674958798315, "batches": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 9656.835326482029, "bestBefore": 2763, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesInStock": 7847.774212630915, "totalSerialNumbersInStock": 691.2288369312191, "serialNumbers": [{ "serialNr": "serialNr", "amount": "1", "articleName": "articleName", "reserved": 8856.05035589569, "bestBefore": 13, "articleId": "articleId", "batchId": "batchId", "barcode": "barcode" }], "totalBatchesReserved": 9912.354551395882, "totalBatches": 4465, "totalSerialNumbers": 3753 }, "webshopArticle": "false", "availableAmount": 7522.366826226792, "orderLevel": 3535.075526492368, "prices": [{ "listId": 4858, "price": "0", "articleId": "articleId", "fromQuantity": "0", "listExternalId": "listExternalId" }], "supplierArticles": [{ "supplierName": "supplierName", "supplierAutomaticOrder": false, "supplierBuyPriceMisc": 3505.0004086284926, "supplierBuyRate": "1.0", "supplierBuyPrice": 1061.220865453436, "supplier": 8689, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "supplierBuyCurrency": "Store currency", "supplierBuyPriceShipment": 1189.3190139462806 }], "automaticOrder": true, "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveredAmount": 4206.784013168245, "amount": 7811.651159239846, "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "depth": 5958.011763111041, "supplierBuyPrice": 2342.0685702598744, "supplierBuyCurrency": "supplierBuyCurrency", "width": 9573.251591101938, "category": "övrigt" }

Get customer order cost

GETUrl: /cost/{id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get the cost for a specific customer order based on order id
Successfull response:

{ "orderId": 6731, "productCosts": [{ "deliveredAmount": 3325.7485171645494, "articleId": "articleId", "totalCost": 5863.558625497059 }] }

Add customer order

Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Add a new customer order

{ "freight": 1615.835936410266, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 8183.807738658096, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 8075.981251453916, "costCenter": 4391, "articleId": "articleId", "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 1049.0560442841124, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 5125.614698395757, "availableAmount": 4773.430112926921, "rowIndex": 1463, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 2403, "orderedAmount": 183.9066150130153, "stockWarning": 2992.9539329550494 }], "ourReference": "ourReference", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 762, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571429, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 9503, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "currencyRate": 4789.332835073392, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571429, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }
Successfull response:

{ "orderId": 5166, "totalPrice": 6886.803632455478, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 8224.591916036681, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 4953.641188568221, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 1626.9674326049055, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 4894.677176111507, "costCenter": 6448, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 6321.972664683063, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 1657.9944259370138, "storeId": 2780, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571430, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 6074.946740247439, "tg": 1825.7354755791355, "availableAmount": 1735.7370145638952, "storeGroupId": 9334, "rowIndex": 4953, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 2385, "orderedAmount": 4550.362778312455, "stockWarning": 2845.4703088344622 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571430, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 8782, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 5220, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571430, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 5296, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 1640.676339356446, "currencyRate": 6093.610296523364, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571430, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 2780, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }

Add row to customer order

POSTUrl: /{id}/product
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Add article or textrow to an existing customer order

{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 8517.959096910467, "costCenter": 9777, "articleId": "articleId", "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 1499.2853319681699, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 3988.177737555769, "availableAmount": 1164.6526614133456, "rowIndex": 2956, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 6599, "orderedAmount": 2681.2118664996597, "stockWarning": 3655.235545217118 }
Successfull response:

{ "orderId": 7605, "totalPrice": 3780.574080311552, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 7596.959564258968, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 1245.4422673193676, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 192.38649771522677, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 1453.4685962447036, "costCenter": 5067, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 9527.797534646374, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 9789.510585473523, "storeId": 9208, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571432, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 4075.465020110013, "tg": 3989.575978948042, "availableAmount": 6386.731868622422, "storeGroupId": 1730, "rowIndex": 4142, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 3653, "orderedAmount": 5349.783375854176, "stockWarning": 2923.9314368659143 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571432, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 4840, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 7468, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571432, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 3618, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 6336.991465082115, "currencyRate": 7510.12930348034, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571432, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 5659, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }

Create drop shipment

POSTUrl: /{order_id}/dropshipment
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Create drop shipment for this customer order. One or more purchase orders will be connected with content from this customer order. The customer order will be moved to drop shipment state

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
is_dropshipment if flag is false, purchase orders are created with content matching the customer order. If flag is true (default value) the picking lists for customer order is removed and the order is marked as drop shipment true

Successfull response:

{ "ordersCount": 5622, "pages": 7238, "pageSize": 1225, "orders": [{ "paymentTermsDescription": "paymentTermsDescription", "deliveryPhone": "deliveryPhone", "supplierOrderId": "supplierOrderId", "supplierId": 638, "productionOrderId": 2472, "deliveryTermsDescription": "deliveryTermsDescription", "customerOrderId": 4884, "contactPerson": "contactPerson", "deliveryZip": "deliveryZip", "productCount": 7114, "orderValue": 4629.6383872680835, "confirmedDeliveryDate": 1713565571433, "externalInvoiceReference": "externalInvoiceReference", "orderValueCurrency": "orderValueCurrency", "deliveredDate": 1713565571433, "deliveryAddress": "deliveryAddress", "orderSentDate": 1713565571433, "deliveryContact": "deliveryContact", "id": 638, "state": 4345, "deliveryDate": 1713565571433, "paymentTerms": "paymentTerms", "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "deliveryTerms": "deliveryTerms", "goodsMarking": "goodsMarking", "contactEmail": "contactEmail", "isPickNPack": "false", "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "orderValueStore": 5857.586427864455, "storeId": 749, "deliveryCompany": "deliveryCompany", "message": "message", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "comment": "comment", "articles": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "articleName": "articleName", "purchasePriceMisc": "0", "articleId": "articleId", "description": "description", "purchasePrice": "0", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 8725 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 593, "convert": 7410.777322500304, "barcode": "barcode" }], "type": "type", "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "1", "serialNr": "serialNr", "bestBefore": 4273, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": "unit", "availableAmount": "0", "rate": 5167.388414027968, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "purchasePriceShipment": "0", "id": 6836, "orderedAmount": "0", "stock": false, "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits", "stockWarning": "0" }], "poReference": "poReference" }], "page": 9057 }

Invoice order

PUTUrl: /{order_id}/invoice
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update state of customer order to invoiced. If store is connected to an integration with support for invoicing an invoice will be created thru that integration (For example Fortnox)

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
type invoice invoice, cash, card, ag

Successfull response:

{ "orderId": 1051, "totalPrice": 7286.044433471179, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 468.67830851175074, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 6316.289149804009, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 7005.830960735223, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 9752.00622860298, "costCenter": 9477, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 5596.106997496699, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 4458.499849963096, "storeId": 5568, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571434, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 2062.5260107917566, "tg": 4714.89810918802, "availableAmount": 985.6028170428532, "storeGroupId": 9233, "rowIndex": 1880, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 2395, "orderedAmount": 9360.096974866212, "stockWarning": 7474.748264935416 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571434, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 8535, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 4325, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571434, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 1364, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 5111.5902422320805, "currencyRate": 641.2182965168023, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571434, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 9649, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }

Order delivered

PUTUrl: /{order_id}/delivered
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update state of customer order to delivered. This can only be done for sent or freight booked orders
Successfull response:

{ "orderId": 509, "totalPrice": 5472.284387853282, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 3346.8534708502416, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 6097.383353354974, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 2259.6414935887387, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 451.7380659034653, "costCenter": 2046, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 4435.208866981891, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 2050.1064324213703, "storeId": 8057, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571434, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 1490.6926748417736, "tg": 9404.259730142938, "availableAmount": 4241.40392246728, "storeGroupId": 2578, "rowIndex": 9156, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 6433, "orderedAmount": 3614.6465478404652, "stockWarning": 5297.945027888393 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571434, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 2407, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 1194, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571434, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 1936, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 705.6904533682296, "currencyRate": 5426.429959232717, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571434, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 3466, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }

Send order

PUTUrl: /{order_id}/send
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update state of customer order to sent

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
finish_pickinglists false true,false
create_rest_order false true,false

Successfull response:

{ "orderId": 8085, "totalPrice": 4329.866075615419, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 5720.749929231949, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 9318.31670526437, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 7894.918069263057, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 6335.938307310157, "costCenter": 7519, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 4590.003653058338, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 4649.136857595121, "storeId": 9270, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571436, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 2766.8119366550072, "tg": 4691.940625777229, "availableAmount": 4366.789110818451, "storeGroupId": 5628, "rowIndex": 9121, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 6054, "orderedAmount": 9741.417644542827, "stockWarning": 4218.056899417428 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571436, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 7527, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 9963, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571436, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 1115, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 7029.976968792413, "currencyRate": 2706.392045937579, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571436, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 1744, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }

Ready for packing

PUTUrl: /{order_id}/ready_for_packing
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update state of customer order to ready for packing. Picking lists will be created for the order
Successfull response:

{ "orderId": 144, "totalPrice": 8945.124866600276, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 7948.375493987353, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 8591.235571928131, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 9236.844319285394, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": true, "totalPrice": 7199.685006390229, "costCenter": 4402, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 9408.447478914424, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 1161.1948683307637, "storeId": 3275, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571437, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 9284.868456698183, "tg": 5648.349007181749, "availableAmount": 9734.896844715884, "storeGroupId": 562, "rowIndex": 6729, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 9524, "orderedAmount": 4993.5664657608895, "stockWarning": 7979.374215070026 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571437, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 8267, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 4913, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571437, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 3246, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 5641.12769157226, "currencyRate": 8162.94510125897, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571437, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 3873, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }

Ready for packing multiple orders

PUTUrl: /ready_for_packing
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update state of multiple customer orders to ready for packing. Picking lists will be created for the orders.
Successfull response:

{ "orderId": 5471, "totalPrice": 4473.222737708837, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 6282.96080152581, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 1370.4634788527792, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 2062.207172484599, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 1608.275987391078, "costCenter": 2776, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 7150.124206692563, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 8470.037441686813, "storeId": 2031, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571437, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 3361.6102992964093, "tg": 5711.922576391922, "availableAmount": 7845.870455293793, "storeGroupId": 3094, "rowIndex": 4404, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 6052, "orderedAmount": 7017.526485466649, "stockWarning": 1722.9803493601048 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571437, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 6365, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 9107, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571437, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 6629, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 5202.593164163869, "currencyRate": 2623.0188308931156, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571437, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 3415, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }

Cancel order

PUTUrl: /{order_id}/cancel
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update state of customer order to cancelled. After this the order is closed and cannot be updated again
Successfull response:

{ "orderId": 4811, "totalPrice": 9614.803719043122, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 1682.163397759916, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 4271.1420572806865, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 6850.186177427607, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": true, "totalPrice": 8252.689483585658, "costCenter": 4880, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 6951.043207133753, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 4908.747412047813, "storeId": 2269, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571438, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 1550.4081803369618, "tg": 7713.432476794018, "availableAmount": 8003.779591146232, "storeGroupId": 3751, "rowIndex": 5484, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 9110, "orderedAmount": 2108.8560332702077, "stockWarning": 598.0674451166112 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571438, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 5410, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 8257, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571438, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 6450, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 6286.733244616227, "currencyRate": 5416.258709590685, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571438, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 2419, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }

Cancel drop shipment

PUTUrl: /{order_id}/dropshipment/cancel
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Cancel drop shipment purchase orders for this customer order and reset customer order state to ready for packing
Successfull response:

{ "orderId": 1345, "totalPrice": 2766.1662530629283, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 1332.3436840057434, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 8426.11494217173, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 6204.799911179356, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 2882.3348320787745, "costCenter": 9943, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 6857.820975631541, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 4956.881487606622, "storeId": 7497, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571438, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 7218.921766408488, "tg": 6854.288010577362, "availableAmount": 20.217333165705178, "storeGroupId": 5029, "rowIndex": 1657, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 48, "orderedAmount": 255.55212703685882, "stockWarning": 289.5171150575027 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571438, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 8717, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 4705, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571438, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 2348, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 5124.899239601669, "currencyRate": 2491.1189248829437, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571438, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 1465, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }

Invoice multiple order

PUTUrl: /invoice
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update state of multiple customer orders to invoiced. If store is connected to an integration with support for invoicing an invoice will be created thru that integration (For example Fortnox)

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
type invoice invoice, cash, card, ag

Successfull response:

{ "ordersCount": 8048, "pages": 7735, "totalCustomerOrderValue": 8947.07194259215, "pageSize": 4642, "orders": [{ "orderId": 6684, "totalPrice": 7377.992200360288, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 228.8086005992729, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 4819.626299025199, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 8054.525731977341, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 2299.8677946654934, "costCenter": 3832, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 2912.053015444259, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 3496.834193919863, "storeId": 7632, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571439, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 3369.8610297703767, "tg": 9005.419210776918, "availableAmount": 1775.0302390223737, "storeGroupId": 468, "rowIndex": 807, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 2334, "orderedAmount": 5848.535101649708, "stockWarning": 9609.47269626093 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571439, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 6182, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 573, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571439, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 9747, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 7739.08149897388, "currencyRate": 1179.6789743390434, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571439, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 9552, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }], "page": 5501, "since": 1454 }

Order freight booked

PUTUrl: /{order_id}/freight_booked
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update state of customer order to freight booked
Successfull response:

{ "orderId": 5596, "totalPrice": 7971.4087524514325, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 3302.3903083390906, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 9816.345206313887, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 1137.707759569042, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 2443.74236526108, "costCenter": 1477, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 942.6305997164797, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 50.074271931832556, "storeId": 8033, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571439, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 1721.4720254161664, "tg": 9956.302400360406, "availableAmount": 7191.783046064949, "storeGroupId": 8187, "rowIndex": 6100, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 6758, "orderedAmount": 1614.586294204783, "stockWarning": 287.61048901411067 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571439, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 1418, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 2494, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571439, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 1012, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 3469.9295415565557, "currencyRate": 489.67881578054096, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571439, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 5480, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }

Send multiple order

PUTUrl: /send
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update state of multiple customer order to sent

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
finish_pickinglists false true,false
create_rest_order false true,false

Successfull response:

{ "orderId": 4360, "totalPrice": 5042.814210636502, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 1049.625392467859, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 1849.8091200110189, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 680.0149162697567, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 3812.0501921070613, "costCenter": 2238, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 603.4613634258545, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 6648.130238005298, "storeId": 5777, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571441, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 6927.049026559751, "tg": 5676.093219031182, "availableAmount": 3704.159610297457, "storeGroupId": 6404, "rowIndex": 5798, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 8509, "orderedAmount": 8405.826750485212, "stockWarning": 4962.506875483883 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571441, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 9761, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 7396, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571441, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 6405, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 4309.460697882993, "currencyRate": 1198.9661027912168, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571441, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 7678, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }

Update customer order

PUTUrl: /{id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update an existing customer order. Be aware that state cannot be updated thru this request. Use one of the Invoice, Cancel, Ready for packing-methods to update state. Also be aware if the order has been invoiced that the only fields that can be updated are externalInvoiceReference1 and externalInvoiceReference2, all other fields are ignored.

{ "orderId": 2297, "totalPrice": 1704.3231943802793, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 491.6738121790265, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 4548.44753116924, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 4231.765206755843, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 67.83297023565504, "costCenter": 1864, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 9923.725033973256, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 590.7515168110966, "storeId": 88, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571442, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 7773.686866000178, "tg": 7363.455026699637, "availableAmount": 6852.3511118361575, "storeGroupId": 1843, "rowIndex": 9916, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 5583, "orderedAmount": 4046.891612245792, "stockWarning": 5160.716641625742 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571442, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 1252, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 5903, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571442, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 1478, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 7584.196156062741, "currencyRate": 1371.345835704405, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571442, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 8655, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }
Successfull response:

{ "orderId": 8541, "totalPrice": 2442.978644191706, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 5341.729702200098, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 6916.859954397708, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 5616.1856567072255, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 4075.808752845874, "costCenter": 61, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 572.8851774745414, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 6417.788307299144, "storeId": 8655, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571442, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 4658.297207965832, "tg": 3538.170894624485, "availableAmount": 1695.792776941487, "storeGroupId": 5240, "rowIndex": 3953, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 666, "orderedAmount": 9426.053596860298, "stockWarning": 7025.354205908568 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571442, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 9026, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 2824, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571442, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 8557, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 6777.548165289973, "currencyRate": 842.8153753830047, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571442, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 7587, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }

Update row in customer order

PUTUrl: /{id}/product
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update existing article or textrow in an existing customer order based on row index

{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 5054.662433579025, "costCenter": 6707, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 1002.6358487469112, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 1644.1105736534366, "storeId": 239, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571453, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 4717.868011190609, "tg": 6013.517430156453, "availableAmount": 3026.9674397170174, "storeGroupId": 9335, "rowIndex": 8934, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 3682, "orderedAmount": 2660.207442961061, "stockWarning": 804.3931891653789 }
Successfull response:

{ "orderId": 517, "totalPrice": 8065.061078104006, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 1079.3183372652704, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 4807.1951591214765, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 8595.001587133213, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 1951.8770918873718, "costCenter": 7428, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 8250.12513055796, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 6423.133400977852, "storeId": 1760, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571453, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 5679.469068443596, "tg": 2625.3498324535553, "availableAmount": 1684.6802628038272, "storeGroupId": 5315, "rowIndex": 6854, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 5049, "orderedAmount": 7412.974166124685, "stockWarning": 1063.8205245844201 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571453, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 7682, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 9858, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571453, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 8281, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 9745.583499597298, "currencyRate": 1428.4043329238516, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571453, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 7152, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }

Remove row in customer order

PUTUrl: /{id}/product/remove
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Remove existing article or textrow in an existing customer order based on row index

{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": true, "totalPrice": 1302.0097313497026, "costCenter": 2266, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 3811.582221602069, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 7487.316103495247, "storeId": 3086, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571453, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 3171.343929095467, "tg": 1515.307682921665, "availableAmount": 3434.777718887766, "storeGroupId": 7467, "rowIndex": 3057, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 7310, "orderedAmount": 2629.559976276753, "stockWarning": 8727.537825861544 }
Successfull response:

{ "orderId": 8854, "totalPrice": 106.11282330820427, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 8940.334342688117, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 6708.020015258482, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 9117.525167444712, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": true, "totalPrice": 3114.716068153138, "costCenter": 8896, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 4288.739612192968, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 4062.072937889709, "storeId": 8432, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571453, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 5398.237978851756, "tg": 240.73785680133741, "availableAmount": 5735.302204511069, "storeGroupId": 2818, "rowIndex": 9293, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 1322, "orderedAmount": 6022.327487698074, "stockWarning": 3315.6653764173107 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571453, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 4474, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 6365, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571453, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 4307, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 3379.970586546187, "currencyRate": 2297.490120614949, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571453, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 7273, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }

Send confirmation

PUTUrl: /{order_id}/confirmation/send
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Send confirmation of customer order with a confirmation pdf

{"email": "email"}
Successfull response:


Get invoice file

GETUrl: /{id}/invoice/print
Accept: application/pdf or application/json
Get invoice binary file by id
Successfull response:


Get offers

GETUrl: /offers
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of offers

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
since 0
state -1=ALL, 0=NEW, 1=APPROVED, 2=CANCELLED -1 -1,0,1,2
page 0
limit 50
sort_column id id,customer,valid_date,created_date,state
order desc asc,desc

Successfull response:

{ "offers": [{ "pricelistId": 4033, "validDate": 1713565571458, "customerOrderId": 5078, "description": "description", "rows": [{ "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 1991.2612844546295, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 1560, "totalPrice": 5707.4862412641105, "salesPrice": 1816.4829248890412, "articleId": "articleId", "discount": "0", "purchasePrice": 7095.936585176148, "storeId": 3355, "purchaseCurrency": "purchaseCurrency", "unit": "unit", "purchaseRate": 8208.235752019193, "unitId": 1618, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 7858 }], "customerName": "customerName", "ourReference": "ourReference", "customerPhone": "customerPhone", "createdDate": 1713565571458, "rate": 2125.6565116287275, "customerEmail": "customerEmail", "customerId": 761, "offerId": 443, "currency": "currency", "state": 3518 }], "pages": 4333, "offersCount": 9606, "pageSize": 7181, "page": 6035, "since": 6504 }

Get offer

GETUrl: /offers/{offer_id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get offer by id
Successfull response:

{ "offers": [{ "pricelistId": 5189, "validDate": 1713565571459, "customerOrderId": 5003, "description": "description", "rows": [{ "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 7094.274661347351, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 9110, "totalPrice": 1247.0885561327361, "salesPrice": 1900.370662355122, "articleId": "articleId", "discount": "0", "purchasePrice": 4068.083774130593, "storeId": 8647, "purchaseCurrency": "purchaseCurrency", "unit": "unit", "purchaseRate": 1559.8766654204564, "unitId": 680, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 1739 }], "customerName": "customerName", "ourReference": "ourReference", "customerPhone": "customerPhone", "createdDate": 1713565571459, "rate": 8401.772570016687, "customerEmail": "customerEmail", "customerId": 8003, "offerId": 9690, "currency": "currency", "state": 7086 }], "pages": 3426, "offersCount": 7896, "pageSize": 8885, "page": 5397, "since": 9246 }

Print offer

GETUrl: /offers/{offer_id}/print
Accept: application/pdf or application/json
Print offer based on order id
Successfull response:

Get offer for customer order

GETUrl: /{order_id}/offers
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get offer for a chosen customer order
Successfull response:

{ "offers": [{ "pricelistId": 8074, "validDate": 1713565571459, "customerOrderId": 3529, "description": "description", "rows": [{ "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 4885.35890128023, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 6513, "totalPrice": 3580.564755790547, "salesPrice": 6522.210414987174, "articleId": "articleId", "discount": "0", "purchasePrice": 4750.366230466848, "storeId": 4422, "purchaseCurrency": "purchaseCurrency", "unit": "unit", "purchaseRate": 3329.076918512962, "unitId": 8516, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 9313 }], "customerName": "customerName", "ourReference": "ourReference", "customerPhone": "customerPhone", "createdDate": 1713565571459, "rate": 1006.5997821533135, "customerEmail": "customerEmail", "customerId": 3067, "offerId": 2272, "currency": "currency", "state": 279 }], "pages": 2687, "offersCount": 8782, "pageSize": 7658, "page": 2812, "since": 3848 }

Add offer

POSTUrl: /offers
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Add a new offer

{ "ourReference": "ourReference", "customerPhone": "customerPhone", "pricelistId": 3483, "validDate": 1713565571460, "customerEmail": "customerEmail", "customerId": 4981, "description": "description", "currency": "currency", "rows": [{ "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 5329.978500019974, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 5041, "salesPrice": 1961.3895434723127, "articleId": "articleId", "discount": "0", "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 5815, "purchasePrice": 350.8059724694668, "purchaseCurrency": "purchaseCurrency" }], "customerName": "customerName" }
Successfull response:

{ "pricelistId": 8147, "validDate": 1713565571460, "customerOrderId": 8536, "description": "description", "rows": [{ "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 480.2205155885253, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 8959, "totalPrice": 8441.702974802189, "salesPrice": 390.9232819212416, "articleId": "articleId", "discount": "0", "purchasePrice": 6634.574128151206, "storeId": 3353, "purchaseCurrency": "purchaseCurrency", "unit": "unit", "purchaseRate": 6787.9804402124355, "unitId": 5951, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 9828 }], "customerName": "customerName", "ourReference": "ourReference", "customerPhone": "customerPhone", "createdDate": 1713565571460, "rate": 8167.240099113234, "customerEmail": "customerEmail", "customerId": 9038, "offerId": 9454, "currency": "currency", "state": 1672 }

Update offer

PUTUrl: /offers/{offer_id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update an existing new offer

{ "pricelistId": 9267, "validDate": 1713565571460, "customerOrderId": 6782, "description": "description", "rows": [{ "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 1262.7789188065142, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 6624, "totalPrice": 2537.785542354437, "salesPrice": 3768.273336631387, "articleId": "articleId", "discount": "0", "purchasePrice": 9515.822570836965, "storeId": 9639, "purchaseCurrency": "purchaseCurrency", "unit": "unit", "purchaseRate": 3061.064520069058, "unitId": 9678, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 5793 }], "customerName": "customerName", "ourReference": "ourReference", "customerPhone": "customerPhone", "createdDate": 1713565571460, "rate": 4782.018839354768, "customerEmail": "customerEmail", "customerId": 9755, "offerId": 8207, "currency": "currency", "state": 4155 }
Successfull response:

{ "pricelistId": 8804, "validDate": 1713565571460, "customerOrderId": 6959, "description": "description", "rows": [{ "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 2895.593126827749, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 4316, "totalPrice": 8529.062529031105, "salesPrice": 8728.508491593033, "articleId": "articleId", "discount": "0", "purchasePrice": 1658.7566188108217, "storeId": 3354, "purchaseCurrency": "purchaseCurrency", "unit": "unit", "purchaseRate": 1691.1332815287205, "unitId": 6129, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 855 }], "customerName": "customerName", "ourReference": "ourReference", "customerPhone": "customerPhone", "createdDate": 1713565571460, "rate": 8888.666582739757, "customerEmail": "customerEmail", "customerId": 4193, "offerId": 1717, "currency": "currency", "state": 9952 }

Cancel offer

PUTUrl: /offers/{offer_id}/cancel
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update state of offer to cancelled. After this the order is closed and cannot be updated again
Successfull response:

{ "pricelistId": 4269, "validDate": 1713565571460, "customerOrderId": 9364, "description": "description", "rows": [{ "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 7711.394022742809, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 9646, "totalPrice": 595.0138173144903, "salesPrice": 645.0795913858409, "articleId": "articleId", "discount": "0", "purchasePrice": 7013.754872411596, "storeId": 563, "purchaseCurrency": "purchaseCurrency", "unit": "unit", "purchaseRate": 9269.973103345288, "unitId": 1040, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 264 }], "customerName": "customerName", "ourReference": "ourReference", "customerPhone": "customerPhone", "createdDate": 1713565571460, "rate": 5070.964218008283, "customerEmail": "customerEmail", "customerId": 2647, "offerId": 8614, "currency": "currency", "state": 5467 }

Approve offer

PUTUrl: /offers/{offer_id}/approve
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update state of offer to approved. After this the order is closed and cannot be updated again
Successfull response:

{ "pricelistId": 6932, "validDate": 1713565571461, "customerOrderId": 4481, "description": "description", "rows": [{ "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 8649.705760066174, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 1502, "totalPrice": 2041.655996200744, "salesPrice": 5653.55279770912, "articleId": "articleId", "discount": "0", "purchasePrice": 8820.746520800336, "storeId": 6871, "purchaseCurrency": "purchaseCurrency", "unit": "unit", "purchaseRate": 3547.2103548937494, "unitId": 1853, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 4818 }], "customerName": "customerName", "ourReference": "ourReference", "customerPhone": "customerPhone", "createdDate": 1713565571461, "rate": 4432.560184042293, "customerEmail": "customerEmail", "customerId": 3076, "offerId": 2120, "currency": "currency", "state": 340 }

Send offer

PUTUrl: /offers/{offer_id}/send
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Send offer pdf by email to customer

{"email": "email"}
Successfull response:

Picking lists

Get pickinglists

GETUrl: /{order_id}/picking_lists
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get pickinglists for customer order

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
sort_column stock_place art,stock_place
sort_order asc

Successfull response:

{ "listsCount": 3839, "pages": 6733, "lists": [{ "orderComment": "orderComment", "orderId": 5534, "warehouseWorkerName": "warehouseWorkerName", "startedDate": 1713565571461, "storeId": 1299, "title": "title", "customerName": "customerName", "products": [{ "customerOrderProductId": 9475, "bundled": true, "articleId": "articleId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 1580 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 8466, "convert": 5627.683843104675, "barcode": "barcode" }], "stockAmount": 3087.49488093107, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571461, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 976 }, "pickedAmount": 6007.159913031484, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 535.626301289438, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 1891.6982620746658, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 8680, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 5096.115101914611, "buyPriceShipment": 7359.807669596165, "buyPriceMisc": 7355.901259420253, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 3121.098355468506, "isStock": true, "stockWarning": 4807.674478036901 }], "orderedAmount": 2476.5933387939053, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits" }], "warehouseWorkerId": 3360, "id": 8505, "state": 4340, "deliveryDate": 1713565571461, "finishedDate": 1713565571461 }], "pageSize": 4173, "page": 9108, "since": 71 }

Get pickinglist

GETUrl: /{order_id}/picking_lists/{list_id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get pickinglist for customer order

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
sort_column stock_place art, name, stock_place
sort_order asc

Successfull response:

{ "listsCount": 3745, "pages": 5576, "lists": [{ "orderComment": "orderComment", "orderId": 9688, "warehouseWorkerName": "warehouseWorkerName", "startedDate": 1713565571462, "storeId": 2783, "title": "title", "customerName": "customerName", "products": [{ "customerOrderProductId": 4505, "bundled": true, "articleId": "articleId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 7865 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 8259, "convert": 5963.7839779760825, "barcode": "barcode" }], "stockAmount": 5339.370826873731, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571462, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 461 }, "pickedAmount": 6663.207337099464, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 3154.273822852677, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 4195.665640213395, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 4237, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 1654.2707073961972, "buyPriceShipment": 2388.9347007881756, "buyPriceMisc": 3433.5704820775636, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 6544.888192288107, "isStock": false, "stockWarning": 976.7871364224657 }], "orderedAmount": 3558.5033354357665, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits" }], "warehouseWorkerId": 6033, "id": 4615, "state": 6101, "deliveryDate": 1713565571462, "finishedDate": 1713565571462 }], "pageSize": 9136, "page": 9423, "since": 365 }

Get your picking lists

GETUrl: /picking_lists
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of picking lists assigned to you, based on search query

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
return_unassigned_lists true
sort_column art,stock_place
sort_order asc

Successfull response:

{ "listsCount": 5951, "pages": 2112, "lists": [{ "orderComment": "orderComment", "orderId": 8415, "warehouseWorkerName": "warehouseWorkerName", "startedDate": 1713565571462, "storeId": 3947, "title": "title", "customerName": "customerName", "products": [{ "customerOrderProductId": 7268, "bundled": true, "articleId": "articleId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 1293 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 8202, "convert": 2347.460160998461, "barcode": "barcode" }], "stockAmount": 341.8018367300113, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571462, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 6738 }, "pickedAmount": 3877.4170880640336, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 9066.650295855075, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 3154.6092123734315, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 9926, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 2606.4442991518345, "buyPriceShipment": 7286.082104940965, "buyPriceMisc": 329.31143388093, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 3944.3077406051098, "isStock": false, "stockWarning": 9719.427827175161 }], "orderedAmount": 5767.560412212778, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits" }], "warehouseWorkerId": 7812, "id": 4954, "state": 1666, "deliveryDate": 1713565571462, "finishedDate": 1713565571462 }], "pageSize": 6060, "page": 2395, "since": 9897 }

Get unassigned picking lists

GETUrl: /picking_lists/new
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of all unassigned lists

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
page 0
limit 50
sort_column stock_place art,stock_place
sort_order asc

Successfull response:

{ "listsCount": 9456, "pages": 8208, "lists": [{ "orderComment": "orderComment", "orderId": 308, "warehouseWorkerName": "warehouseWorkerName", "startedDate": 1713565571463, "storeId": 9710, "title": "title", "customerName": "customerName", "products": [{ "customerOrderProductId": 2974, "bundled": false, "articleId": "articleId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 9679 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 9464, "convert": 4063.0112755862724, "barcode": "barcode" }], "stockAmount": 7326.054318407883, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571463, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 724 }, "pickedAmount": 1172.2361076580567, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 4750.052092211643, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 9382.9557520376, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 6733, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 4487.1684680738235, "buyPriceShipment": 7736.837719605191, "buyPriceMisc": 9359.589124167096, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 6517.8945777078225, "isStock": true, "stockWarning": 497.1796387096672 }], "orderedAmount": 5542.626426955703, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits" }], "warehouseWorkerId": 2692, "id": 6101, "state": 7461, "deliveryDate": 1713565571463, "finishedDate": 1713565571463 }], "pageSize": 7014, "page": 6800, "since": 9472 }

Get assigned picking lists

GETUrl: /picking_lists/assigned
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of all assigned lists

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
page 0
limit 50
filter_your_lists If set to true pickinglists assigned to logged in user is filtered out false

Successfull response:

{ "listsCount": 2347, "pages": 2351, "lists": [{ "orderComment": "orderComment", "orderId": 363, "warehouseWorkerName": "warehouseWorkerName", "startedDate": 1713565571464, "storeId": 6281, "title": "title", "customerName": "customerName", "products": [{ "customerOrderProductId": 8851, "bundled": false, "articleId": "articleId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 709 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 453, "convert": 9270.137040814087, "barcode": "barcode" }], "stockAmount": 4553.2950106616045, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571465, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 8310 }, "pickedAmount": 8396.736503022805, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 2366.3074097326244, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 4490.714437764217, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 7072, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 6190.58516517717, "buyPriceShipment": 7749.851059222298, "buyPriceMisc": 2310.9230807061244, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 3943.737276188448, "isStock": false, "stockWarning": 1709.0903380391842 }], "orderedAmount": 6790.000752257624, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits" }], "warehouseWorkerId": 3966, "id": 2349, "state": 7546, "deliveryDate": 1713565571464, "finishedDate": 1713565571464 }], "pageSize": 7703, "page": 8703, "since": 7791 }

Search pickinglist articles

GETUrl: /{order_id}/picking_lists/{list_id}/articles
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Search articles for a specific picking list. Will match based on article-id, article name, barcode, barcode for batches / serialnumbers, and barcodes for article units

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
page 0
limit 50

Successfull response:

{"products": [{ "customerOrderProductId": 217, "bundled": true, "articleId": "articleId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 4340 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 3220, "convert": 7428.461378210534, "barcode": "barcode" }], "stockAmount": 7063.388010009825, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571465, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 1043 }, "pickedAmount": 8019.096311798833, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 7305.681009758682, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 904.6555189292083, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 6245, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 4471.870830445902, "buyPriceShipment": 7676.385215817399, "buyPriceMisc": 1076.4117281799413, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 7260.503117228155, "isStock": false, "stockWarning": 2953.7324130245247 }], "orderedAmount": 7341.440453178132, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits" }]}

Picking list rest

POSTUrl: /{order_id}/picking_lists/{list_id}/rest
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Create rest list from a picking list
Successfull response:

{ "ordersCount": 1254, "pages": 6195, "pageSize": 34, "orders": [{ "paymentTermsDescription": "paymentTermsDescription", "deliveryPhone": "deliveryPhone", "supplierOrderId": "supplierOrderId", "supplierId": 9884, "productionOrderId": 6545, "deliveryTermsDescription": "deliveryTermsDescription", "customerOrderId": 4180, "contactPerson": "contactPerson", "deliveryZip": "deliveryZip", "productCount": 9675, "orderValue": 1508.9814607716978, "confirmedDeliveryDate": 1713565571476, "externalInvoiceReference": "externalInvoiceReference", "orderValueCurrency": "orderValueCurrency", "deliveredDate": 1713565571476, "deliveryAddress": "deliveryAddress", "orderSentDate": 1713565571476, "deliveryContact": "deliveryContact", "id": 8363, "state": 6881, "deliveryDate": 1713565571476, "paymentTerms": "paymentTerms", "supplierName": "supplierName", "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "deliveryTerms": "deliveryTerms", "goodsMarking": "goodsMarking", "contactEmail": "contactEmail", "isPickNPack": "false", "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "orderValueStore": 7307.903105279706, "storeId": 9058, "deliveryCompany": "deliveryCompany", "message": "message", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "comment": "comment", "articles": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "articleName": "articleName", "purchasePriceMisc": "0", "articleId": "articleId", "description": "description", "purchasePrice": "0", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 2680 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 6356, "convert": 7954.087156484422, "barcode": "barcode" }], "type": "type", "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "1", "serialNr": "serialNr", "bestBefore": 3087, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": "unit", "availableAmount": "0", "rate": 7394.313902581244, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "purchasePriceShipment": "0", "id": 5188, "orderedAmount": "0", "stock": true, "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits", "stockWarning": "0" }], "poReference": "poReference" }], "page": 6360 }

Assign picking list

PUTUrl: /{order_id}/picking_lists/{list_id}/assign
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Assign a pickinglist to current user. This request requires that device_id or user_id header is present in the request
Successfull response:

{ "orderComment": "orderComment", "orderId": 2450, "warehouseWorkerName": "warehouseWorkerName", "startedDate": 1713565571478, "storeId": 9442, "title": "title", "customerName": "customerName", "products": [{ "customerOrderProductId": 1096, "bundled": false, "articleId": "articleId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 5432 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 7894, "convert": 3753.9358090953688, "barcode": "barcode" }], "stockAmount": 92.18701158524078, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571478, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 3021 }, "pickedAmount": 1949.5444538617023, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 6454.809368583482, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 8213.97065608238, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 4455, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 5939.364904501637, "buyPriceShipment": 5501.538921981081, "buyPriceMisc": 4982.364373994691, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 6884.467522910455, "isStock": false, "stockWarning": 2969.549365331379 }], "orderedAmount": 4072.5976258556893, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits" }], "warehouseWorkerId": 5850, "id": 8177, "state": 9881, "deliveryDate": 1713565571478, "finishedDate": 1713565571478 }

Assign picking list to user

PUTUrl: /{order_id}/picking_lists/{list_id}/assign/{assigned_user_id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Assign a pickinglist to a user
Successfull response:

{ "orderComment": "orderComment", "orderId": 7944, "warehouseWorkerName": "warehouseWorkerName", "startedDate": 1713565571480, "storeId": 2229, "title": "title", "customerName": "customerName", "products": [{ "customerOrderProductId": 9913, "bundled": false, "articleId": "articleId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 5534 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 5188, "convert": 5885.1906980143585, "barcode": "barcode" }], "stockAmount": 9592.819334487393, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571480, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 2189 }, "pickedAmount": 6132.499418151954, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 67.46022394288565, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 8996.23274450336, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 9898, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 6339.255362583015, "buyPriceShipment": 6558.196819172421, "buyPriceMisc": 2549.8572001800835, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 1706.1955704537058, "isStock": true, "stockWarning": 2420.330070729322 }], "orderedAmount": 1333.577951883339, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits" }], "warehouseWorkerId": 9671, "id": 4908, "state": 8345, "deliveryDate": 1713565571480, "finishedDate": 1713565571480 }

Finish picking list

PUTUrl: /{order_id}/picking_lists/{list_id}/finish
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update pickinglist and set state to finished
Successfull response:

{ "orderComment": "orderComment", "orderId": 859, "warehouseWorkerName": "warehouseWorkerName", "startedDate": 1713565571482, "storeId": 3024, "title": "title", "customerName": "customerName", "products": [{ "customerOrderProductId": 7322, "bundled": true, "articleId": "articleId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 9855 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 3614, "convert": 7466.8818870787045, "barcode": "barcode" }], "stockAmount": 3242.277948175004, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571482, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 1203 }, "pickedAmount": 8435.825666491979, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 7315.436064457913, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 9702.37101421809, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 822, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 912.6067979889285, "buyPriceShipment": 6583.9055230128, "buyPriceMisc": 888.7657874241416, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 3605.624351796626, "isStock": true, "stockWarning": 1650.4958739396147 }], "orderedAmount": 116.38410105724306, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits" }], "warehouseWorkerId": 4364, "id": 5150, "state": 9230, "deliveryDate": 1713565571482, "finishedDate": 1713565571482 }

Pick multiple articles

PUTUrl: /{order_id}/picking_lists/{list_id}/pick
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update articles for a specific picking list

{"products": [{ "customerOrderProductId": 8952, "bundled": false, "articleId": "articleId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 1154 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 2404, "convert": 4238.510507827266, "barcode": "barcode" }], "stockAmount": 8390.10503755293, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571485, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 7342 }, "pickedAmount": 190.21879755181436, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 2525.284280221258, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 1887.7505129023652, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 3325, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 5420.365259393683, "buyPriceShipment": 4052.0115995237215, "buyPriceMisc": 1190.5471736988882, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 8831.23310208773, "isStock": true, "stockWarning": 7712.610403819157 }], "orderedAmount": 4208.092577950685, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits" }]}
Successfull response:

{"products": [{ "customerOrderProductId": 3065, "bundled": true, "articleId": "articleId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 3170 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 4775, "convert": 5433.832077020216, "barcode": "barcode" }], "stockAmount": 8410.44803228822, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571487, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 3912 }, "pickedAmount": 4209.061558151527, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 3726.895999915083, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 3193.1499596412295, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 1206, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 8527.061031212728, "buyPriceShipment": 9677.511294057993, "buyPriceMisc": 6094.628868553145, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 9895.055502002313, "isStock": false, "stockWarning": 9309.497281808668 }], "orderedAmount": 4804.352009326175, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits" }]}

Change picking list state

PUTUrl: /{order_id}/picking_lists/{list_id}/packing
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Change picking list state to packing
Successfull response:

Pick article

PUTUrl: /{order_id}/picking_lists/{list_id}/pick/{article_id : .+}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Pick an article from a specific picking list. This request requires that device_id or user_id header is present in the request

{ "customerOrderProductId": 1465, "bundled": false, "articleId": "articleId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 5239 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 8972, "convert": 6847.741076004718, "barcode": "barcode" }], "stockAmount": 6354.859652325236, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571491, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 4921 }, "pickedAmount": 3486.2901441163317, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 5850.140529289461, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 4528.157888832594, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 6357, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 1442.9503986814918, "buyPriceShipment": 6184.222009698429, "buyPriceMisc": 4140.82257319379, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 3330.2633307200413, "isStock": true, "stockWarning": 4087.2238705543605 }], "orderedAmount": 1276.6980353204938, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits" }
Successfull response:

{ "customerOrderProductId": 4997, "bundled": true, "articleId": "articleId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "units": [{ "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 5669 }, "articleId": "articleId", "storegroupId": 323, "convert": 8067.731186947591, "barcode": "barcode" }], "stockAmount": 691.129828000675, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571491, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "unit": { "name": "name", "externalId": "externalId", "id": 7308 }, "pickedAmount": 7616.2415174651505, "name": "name", "parts": [{ "buyPrice": 2237.5099070813, "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 5315.933114052946, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 9356, "unitName": "unitName", "articleId": "articleId", "externalId": "externalId", "stockPlace": "stockPlace", "type": "type", "buyPriceCurrency": "buyPriceCurrency", "reserved": 669.5717837915938, "buyPriceShipment": 3268.557265422334, "buyPriceMisc": 7651.760906653609, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "stock": 4182.563690862901, "isStock": true, "stockWarning": 1155.7773241867187 }], "orderedAmount": 4898.031744987457, "barcode": "barcode", "orderedAmountWithUnits": "orderedAmountWithUnits" }


Print pickinglist

GETUrl: /{order_id}/pickinglist/{list_id}/print
Accept: application/pdf or application/json
Print pickinglist for customer order
Successfull response:

Print customer order

GETUrl: /{id}/print
Accept: application/pdf or application/json
Print customer order based on order id
Successfull response:

Print delivery note

GETUrl: /{id}/delivery_note/print
Accept: application/pdf or application/json
Print delivery note for a customer orders based on order id

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values

Successfull response:

Print all delivery notes

GETUrl: /delivery_notes/print
Accept: application/pdf or application/json
Print delivery notes for all customer orders that are packed and ready to be sent

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
state 20 0,5,10,15,20,30,40,45,50,60
page 0
page_size 25
sort_order asc asc,desc
sort_column id id,delivery_date,delivered_date,state

Successfull response:

Print labels

GETUrl: /print_labels
Accept: application/pdf
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Print customer orders data to a labels file (Excel)

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
page 0
page_size 25
sort_order asc asc,desc
sort_column id id,delivery_date,delivered_date,state

Successfull response:

Print all pickinglists

GETUrl: /pickinglists/print
Accept: application/pdf or application/json
Print all pickinglists for customer orders that are ready to be picked

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
page 0
page_size 25

Successfull response:

Rest articles

Get rest articles for supplier

GETUrl: /rest_articles/supplier/{supplier_id}/
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get rest articles for supplier with customer orders

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
order asc asc,desc
sort_column deliveryDate deliveryDate, available
page 0
limit 50

Successfull response:

{ "pages": 6088, "pageSize": 9027, "page": 2559, "articlesCount": 9560, "articles": [{ "date": 1713565571497, "customerOrders": [{ "desiredDelivery": 1713565571497, "reserved": 2282.2796248821096, "customerId": 8983, "id": 6592, "state": "state", "displayId": "displayId", "customerName": "customerName" }], "name": "name", "available": 282.3443115563995, "deliver": 8746.362372156467, "id": "id" }] }

Get rest articles for purchase order

GETUrl: /rest_articles/purchaseorder/{order_id}/
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get rest articles for purchase order with customer orders

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
order asc asc,desc
sort_column deliveryDate deliveryDate, available
page 0
limit 50

Successfull response:

{ "pages": 4503, "pageSize": 9107, "page": 3689, "articlesCount": 3267, "articles": [{ "date": 1713565571500, "customerOrders": [{ "desiredDelivery": 1713565571500, "reserved": 6203.041706185904, "customerId": 9622, "id": 578, "state": "state", "displayId": "displayId", "customerName": "customerName" }], "name": "name", "available": 8081.763372677675, "deliver": 5304.733626558454, "id": "id" }] }

Customer orders

Packed order

PUTUrl: /{order_id}/packed
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update state of customer order to packed

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
finish_pickinglists false true,false
create_rest_order false true,false

Successfull response:

{ "orderId": 5965, "totalPrice": 5479.528408640482, "paymentTermDesc": "paymentTermDesc", "freight": 9839.178935493692, "phone2": "phone2", "deliveryEmail": "deliveryEmail", "administrationFee": 864.4285480267821, "webshopOrderId": "webshopOrderId", "customerOrderNumber": "customerOrderNumber", "orderValue": 492.91566456650895, "phone1": "phone1", "products": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "isBundled": false, "totalPrice": 6013.557235428368, "costCenter": 2806, "articleId": "articleId", "vat": 860.8588841565656, "discount": "0", "description": "description", "weight": 8640.148810346105, "storeId": 128, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": "0", "serialNr": "serialNr", "pickedAmount": "0", "bestBefore": 1713565571500, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": "1" }], "pickedAmount": "0", "piecePrice": 4480.152625440847, "tg": 2600.511277116226, "availableAmount": 197.66930802530115, "storeGroupId": 7965, "rowIndex": 640, "discountType": "AMOUNT", "id": 1163, "orderedAmount": 173.09888103861914, "stockWarning": 3355.3176140827436 }], "deliveredDate": 1713565571500, "ourReference": "ourReference", "storeGroupId": 1529, "deliveryTermDesc": "deliveryTermDesc", "deliveryZipCode": "deliveryZipCode", "wayOfDelivery": "wayOfDelivery", "customerId": 7762, "currency": "currency", "state": "0", "deliveryDate": 1713565571500, "deliveryCity": "deliveryCity", "comments": "comments", "yourReference": "yourReference", "pricelistId": "-1", "deliveryTerm": "deliveryTerm", "costCenter": 4127, "deliveryAddress2": "deliveryAddress2", "externalOrderId": "externalOrderId", "deliveryAddress1": "deliveryAddress1", "wayOfDeliveryDesc": "wayOfDeliveryDesc", "customerName": "customerName", "externalInvoiceReference1": "externalInvoiceReference1", "externalInvoiceReference2": "externalInvoiceReference2", "deliveryCountry": "deliveryCountry", "vatIncluded": "true", "totalDiscount": 8402.671983589289, "currencyRate": 6830.59889681611, "deliveryName": "deliveryName", "orderDate": 1713565571500, "paymentTerm": "paymentTerm", "remarks": "remarks", "deliveryStatus": 9524, "externalDisplayOrderId": "externalDisplayOrderId" }



Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String Write only with POST Post R,W
externalId String External article id R,W
active Boolean true R,W
name String Post R,W
bundled Boolean Write only with POST false R,W
parts List If article is bundled this is the parts contained in the article. When updating an existing bundled article this list will replace old list. If list is null, no replacement will be made. If list is empty, all parts will be removed R,W
batches ArticleBatches Returns the first 20 batches and the first 20 serial numbers connected to this article R
description String R,W
category String övrigt R,W
amount Double Available amount. This means stock amount reduced by reserved amount R,W
reserved Double Reserved amount R
barcode String R,W
barcodeType String EAN EAN, CODE128, QR, UPC R,W
price Double R,W
prices List R
supplier Long If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored if not null, must point to an existing supplier R,W
supplierExternalId String external id of Supplier R
supplierName String If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored if not null, must point to an existing supplier R,W
supplierArticleId String If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored R,W
supplierAutomaticOrder Boolean If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored R,W
supplierBuyPrice Double Total buy price including shipment and misc costs. If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored R,W
supplierBuyPriceShipment Double If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored R,W
supplierArticles List If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored R,W
supplierBuyPriceMisc Double If article is bundled, supplier information will be ignored R,W
supplierBuyCurrency String R
supplierBuyRate Double R
unit String st R,W
vat Double Vat in percentage. If both vat-account and vat is submitted, vat-account takes precedence Post R,W
vatAccount Integer If both vat-account and vat is submitted, vat-account takes precedence R,W
imageLastUpdated Long R
type String Stock means it's a physical product and service means it's work and lacks stock-amount Post Stock, Service R,W
stock Boolean True means it's a physical article in stock and false means it's an article that needs to be ordered from supplier true R,W
webshopArticle Boolean false R,W
manufacturer String R,W
manufacturerArticleId String R,W
customFields List if you have need for other type of fields then what lagerkoll offers you can use this key-value list. When creating / updating an article the content of this list will replace the list of fields in the existing article R,W
links List R,W
tags List Make sure you provide tagId for existing tags, otherwise new ones will be created R,W
width Double R,W
height Double R,W
depth Double R,W
weight Double R,W
stockPlace String R,W
stockWarning Double R,W
criticalLevel Double When amount reaches the critical level it is automatically added to a purchase order, with amount set to order level R,W
orderLevel Double When amount reaches the critical level it is automatically added to a purchase order, with amount set to order level R,W
automaticOrder Boolean Set flag to true if the article should be automatically added to a purchase order when stock level reaches the critical level R,W
nextDeliveryDate Long If there is a purchase order for this article, this would be the delivery date for that order R
orderedAmount Double If there is a purchase order for this article, this would be the ordered amount for that order R
deliveredAmount Double If there is a purchase order for this article, this would be the delivered amount for that order R
availableAmount Double Amount available for given deliveryDate R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String Id of article the batch/serialnumber is connected to R
articleName String Name of article R
batchId String batch-id or serial-nr must be set, Write only with POST Post R,W
serialNr String batch-id or serial-nr must be set, Write only with POST Post R,W
amount double 1 R,W
reserved double Reserved is set automatically when part of a customer order that has not yet been invoiced R
barcode String Write only with POST R,W
bestBefore Long ms since 1970, Write only with POST R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
totalBatches Integer Total number of batches for an article R
batches List Current page of batches for an article R
totalSerialNumbers Integer Total number of serial numbers for an article R
serialNumbers List Current page of serial numbers for an article R
totalBatchesInStock Double Total batches in stock R
totalBatchesReserved Double Total batches reserved R
totalSerialNumbersInStock Double Total serial numbers in stock R
totalSerialNumbersReserved Double Total serial numbers reserved R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
name String Post R,W
url String Post R,W
type String Post unknown, webpage, image, document, lagerkoll_document R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
id long Write only with POST Post R,W
externalId String R,W
name String Post R,W
desc String Post R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
storegroupId long R
articleId String Article id R
unit Unit Unit id true R,W
convert Double Conversion coefficient between unit and the article base unit true R,W
barcode String Barcode conected to unit R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String R,W
articleName String R
externalId String External article id R
amount Double Amount of this article for a single bundled article Post/Put R,W
isStock Boolean Is article is of type stock R
stockWarning Double Warning for low stock level R
stock Double Number of articles in stock R
reserved Double Number of articles reserved. Number of available = stock - reserved R
type String Stock means it's a physical product and service means it's work and lacks stock-amount Post Stock, Service R,W
unitName String R
stockPlace String R
buyPrice Double R
buyPriceShipment Double R
buyPriceMisc Double R
buyPriceCurrency String R
supplierId Long R
supplierName String R
supplierArticleId String R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
orderId long R
externalOrderId String CustomerOrder-id from an external system if such exists R,W
externalDisplayOrderId String Displayable CustomerOrder-id from an external system if such exists R,W
webshopOrderId String CustomerOrder-id from your webshop if such exists R,W
storeGroupId long R
customerId Long POST must point to an existing customer R,W
customerName String returns name from existing customer R
customerOrderNumber String R,W
state Integer Write only with POST 0 NEW = 0,
PACKED = 20,
SENT = 40,
administrationFee Float R,W
currency String if null, currency is fetched from customer if not null, must point to an existing currency R,W
currencyRate Float If omitted when creating the order, the exchange rate between customer currency and store sales currency is calculated and set R,W
comments String R,W
deliveryAddress1 String if null, address is fetched from customer R,W
deliveryAddress2 String if null, address is fetched from customer R,W
deliveryZipCode String if null, zipcode is fetched from customer R,W
deliveryCity String if null, city is fetched from customer R,W
deliveryCountry String if null, country is fetched from customer if not null, must point to an existing country R,W
deliveryDate Date If null when creating new CustomerOrder, value from orderDate is used R,W
deliveryName String R,W
deliveryEmail String R,W
freight Float R,W
orderDate Date If set to null when creating the order it will default to current time R,W
deliveredDate Date R
ourReference String R,W
phone1 String R,W
phone2 String R,W
remarks String R,W
deliveryTerm String if not null, must point to an existing delivery term R,W
deliveryTermDesc String description of an existing delivery term R
paymentTerm String if not null, must point to an existing payment term R,W
paymentTermDesc String description of an existing payment term R
vatIncluded Boolean true R,W
wayOfDelivery String if not null, must point to an existing way of delivery R,W
wayOfDeliveryDesc String description of an existing way of delivery R
yourReference String R,W
products List List of CustomerOrderProducts R,W
pricelistId Long -1 must point to an existing pricelist R,W
externalInvoiceReference1 String R,W
externalInvoiceReference2 String R,W
costCenter Long if not null, must point to an existing cost center. Send -1 to remove cost center from existing order R,W
totalPrice Double Total price of all articles, ex vat. Excluding discount R
totalDiscount Double Total discount of all articles R
deliveryStatus Integer Stock state for the order 1 = All in stock, 2 = Not all in stock, 3 = None in stock R
orderValue Double Order value fo the order R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
batchId String batch-id or serial-nr must be set, Write only with POST POST R,W
serialNr String batch-id or serial-nr must be set, Write only with POST POST R,W
orderedAmount Double If value missing defaultValue will be set 1 POST & PUT R,W
pickedAmount Double If value missing defaultValue will be set 0 POST & PUT R,W
deliveredAmount Double If value missing defaultValue will be set 0 POST & PUT R,W
bestBefore Date R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
orderId long R
productCosts List List of CustomerOrderProductCosts R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
id Long id is created by system, but must be supplied when updating order or matching product row won´t be found POST & PUT R
storeId long R
storeGroupId long R
articleId String Mandatory if this is not a freetext row. If this is a freetext row all fields except description is ignored POST R,W
rowIndex Integer R,W
orderedAmount Double POST R,W
pickedAmount Double 0 R,W
deliveredAmount Double 0 R,W
piecePrice Double If omitted default price from pricelist will be used. Price is ex vat R,W
totalPrice Double If omitted, default price from pricelist will be used to calculate the total price for the article. If bulk-prices exists for the pricelist, that will be used. Price is ex vat and excluding discounts R,W
vat Double VAT connected to article R
discountType String AMOUNT PERCENT, AMOUNT R,W
discount Double 0 R,W
description String R,W
costCenter Long If omitted cost center from order will be used if not null, must point to an existing cost center R,W
isBundled boolean R,W
weight Double R,W
batches List If an article contains batches or serial numbers and this should be defined in the customer order this list contains that information. If this list is null, no updates are done. Otherwise the content of this list replaces existing list R,W
stockWarning double R,W
availableAmount double R,W
tg Double R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String R
deliveredAmount Double R
totalCost Double R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
page int R
pages int R
pageSize int R
ordersCount int R
since long R
totalCustomerOrderValue Double R
orders List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
name String Post R,W
type String Post String, Number, Int, Long, Float, Double Boolean, Date, Json, JsonArray, Email R,W
value String Post R,W
validValues List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
value String R
description String R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
email String Email address R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
offerId long Id of offer R
customerId Long If offer points to an existing customer, this is the id of the customer R,W
customerName String Name of customer POST R,W
customerPhone String Phone number of customer POST R,W
customerEmail String Email address of customer POST R,W
state int State of offer 0=NEW, 1=CLOSED, 2=CANCELLED R
pricelistId Long Id of pricelist POST R,W
currency String Sales currency, 3 letter code POST R,W
rate Double Rate for sales currency R
description String Description R,W
ourReference String Our reference (selling part) R,W
validDate Date Valid until R,W
createdDate Date Creation date R
customerOrderId Long Id of connected customer order R
rows List Rows in offer. Can be existing articles or free text rows that can later be converted to articles R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
id Long id is created by system, but must be supplied when updating offer or matching row won´t be found POST & PUT R
storeId Long Id of store the article belongs to R
articleId String Id of existing article R,W
articleName String Name of article R,W
amount Double Offered amount POST R,W
unitId Long Unit id for article R
unit String Unit name for article R
salesPrice Double Sales price of article POST R,W
discountType String AMOUNT PERCENT, AMOUNT R,W
discount Double 0 R,W
purchasePrice Double Purchase price of article POST R,W
purchaseCurrency String Purchase currency POST R,W
purchaseRate Double Exchange rate for purchase price R
supplierId Long Id of existing supplier. If this is a text row this can be null R,W
supplierName String Name of existing supplier. If this is a text row this can be null R,W
totalPrice Double Total price for this row, including bracket prices R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
page int R
pages int R
pageSize int R
offersCount int R
since long R
offers List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
id long picking list id R
orderId long order id R
storeId long id of store the list belongs to R
title String title of customer order R
state int state of picking list NEW = 0,
PACKED = 20,
warehouseWorkerId Long user id of the warehouse worker assigned to the picking list R
warehouseWorkerName String name of the warehouse worker assigned to the picking list R
startedDate Date start date when picking list was assigned R
finishedDate Date finish date when picking list was closed R
deliveryDate Date delivery date for the customer order R
customerName String name of the customer R
orderComment String order comment R
products List list of products in the picking list R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
customerOrderProductId Long Customer order product id must be sent when updating a picking list product PUT R
articleId String Article id Mandatory with PUT and POST W,R
name String Name of article R
barcode String Barcode of article R
orderedAmount Double Ordered amount for current order R
pickedAmount Double Picked amount for current order Mandatory with PUT and POST. If product contains batches, this field must add up to the same amount the batches does W,R
stockAmount Double Current stock amount for article R
stockPlace String Stockplace for the article R
unit Unit R
bundled Boolean Flag to indicate if article is bundled or not R
parts List If article is bundled this is the parts contained in the article. When updating an existing bundled article this list will replace old list. If list is empty no replacement will be made R
batches List If an article contains batches or serial numbers and this should be defined in the customer order this list contains that information. If this list is null, no updates are done. Otherwise the content of this list replaces existing list Optional with PUT and POST W,R
units List List of units connected to the article, with factor and barcode. This does not contain information about the main unit on the article R
orderedAmountWithUnits String If article contains multiple units this string represents the most optimal package variants R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
products List List of picking list articles R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
page int R
pages int R
pageSize int R
listsCount int R
since long R
lists List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
listId Long Write only with POST Post R,W
listExternalId String External id of pricelist R
articleId String Write only with POST Post R,W
fromQuantity double Write only with POST 0 R,W
price Double To remove a price, send null to server 0 R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
id long R
storeId long R
poReference String Must be a unique id POST R,W
supplierId Long POST R,W
supplierName String R
orderSentDate Date R
deliveryDate Date POST R,W
confirmedDeliveryDate Date R,W
deliveredDate Date R
paymentTerms String Payment terms code R,W
paymentTermsDescription String Payment terms description R
deliveryTerms String Delivery terms code R,W
deliveryTermsDescription String Delivery terms description R
deliveryContact String R,W
deliveryCompany String R,W
deliveryPhone String R,W
deliveryAddress String POST R,W
deliveryAddress2 String R,W
deliveryCity String POST R,W
deliveryZip String POST R,W
deliveryCountry String POST R,W
contactPerson String POST R,W
contactEmail String POST R,W
productCount Integer R
state Integer NEW = 0,
SENT = 1,
supplierOrderId String R,W
customerOrderId Long R,W
productionOrderId Long R,W
message String R,W
isPickNPack Boolean false R,W
comment String R,W
externalInvoiceReference String R,W
goodsMarking String R,W
orderValue Double Order value based on the supplier's currency R
orderValueCurrency String Supplier's currency for the order value R
orderValueStore Double Order value based on the store's currency R
articles List List of PurchaseOrderArticles R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
id Long id is created by system, but must be supplied when updating order or matching product row won´t be found PUT R
articleId String Mandatory if this is not a freetext row. If this is a freetext row all fields except articleName is ignored POST, DELETE R,W
articleName String Name of article, or freetext row if articleId is missing R,W
supplierArticleId String If omitted, article id from supplier is used R,W
orderedAmount Double 0 R,W
deliveredAmount Double 0 R,W
availableAmount Double 0 R
stockWarning Double 0 R
purchasePrice Double If omitted, price from supplier is used 0 R,W
purchasePriceMisc Double If omitted, price from supplier is used 0 R,W
purchasePriceShipment Double If omitted, price from supplier is used 0 R,W
rate Double R
description String R,W
unit String R
type String Stock means it's a physical product and service means it's work and lacks stock-amount Stock, Service R
stock Boolean True means it's a physical article in stock and false means it's an article that needs to be ordered from supplier R
batches List If an article contains batches or serial numbers and this should be defined in the purchase order this list contains that information. If this list is null, no updates are done. Otherwise the content of this list replaces existing list R,W
units List List of units connected to the article, with factor and barcode. This does not contain information about the main unit on the article R
orderedAmountWithUnits String If article contains multiple units this string represents the most optimal package variants R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
batchId String batch-id or serial-nr must be set, Write only with POST Post R,W
serialNr String batch-id or serial-nr must be set, Write only with POST Post R,W
orderedAmount Double 1 R,W
deliveredAmount Double 1 R,W
bestBefore Long ms since 1970, Write only with POST R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
page int R
pages int R
pageSize int R
ordersCount int R
orders List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
id String Article id R
name String Article name R
date Date Oldest delivery date in the orders-list R
deliver double Total amount to deliver in the orders-list R
available double Amount available in stock R
customerOrders List List of customer orders this article is in R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
id long Order id R
displayId String Display id R
state String Customer order state NEW = 0,
PACKED = 20,
SENT = 40,
customerId long Customer id R
customerName String Customer name R
desiredDelivery Date Delivery date of order R
reserved double Amount ordered that has been reserved in stock R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
pages int Total pages R
page int Current page R
pageSize int Articles per page R
articlesCount int Total amount of articles R
articles List List of articles R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
supplier Long if not null, must point to an existing supplier R,W
supplierName String if not null, must point to an existing supplier R,W
supplierArticleId String R,W
supplierAutomaticOrder boolean R
supplierBuyPrice Double Total buy price including shipment and misc costs R,W
supplierBuyPriceShipment Double R,W
supplierBuyPriceMisc Double R,W
supplierBuyCurrency String If omitted, supplier's currency is used. If supplier is missing, it defaults to store's currency Store currency R,W
supplierBuyRate Double If supplier's currency differ from store's currency, provide an exchange rate. If rate is omitted, the supplier's rate is used. If supplier is missing, it defaults to 1.0 1.0 R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
id Long R,W
externalId String R
name String Name of unit R,W