Goto APIs

Production orders API



Parameters in the url should all be encoded and all data sent should be UTF-8

MAX number of requests per minute is set to 200.
When the limit is hit an error with code 429 is returned, with the header "Retry-After" containing the number of seconds you have to wait for your next request.


There are 2 ways to be authenticated when using this API. in both ways you add headers to the request.
1) Use an API-key together with store-id. This would be used when communicating machine to machine and no real person is involved. The API-key is available from where you activated the API. The store-id is also available in the same place.
2) Use a user_id and user_token together with a store-id. You get these values from the login-request. The values are connected to a person and are gained when an actual login to the system has been made.
store: <<STORE>>
user_id: <<USER_ID>>
user_token: <<USER_TOKEN>>
api_key: <<API_KEY>>
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json


Code Description
900001 Credentials don't match
900101 Common error
900429 Too many requests
903001 Error when getting production order
903002 Error when creating a production order
903003 Error when updating a production order
903004 Error when getting customer order
  "errorCode" : 900101,
  "errorMessage" : "Something went wrong on the server",
  "errorField" : null,
  "errorData" : null

Production orders API:

Customer orders

Create production order from customer order

POSTUrl: /customer_order/{customer_order_id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Create production order from an existing customer order
Successfull response:

{ "finishedAmount": 8933.935240755227, "orderId": 3416, "endDate": 1714103893596, "prReference": "prReference", "customerOrderId": 1713, "workHours": 2445.765850353364, "internalReference": "internalReference", "singleArticles": [{ "articleId": "articleId", "singleArticles": [{ "totalAmount": 4790.581074278257, "hasStockValue": false, "singleArticleId": "singleArticleId", "singleArticleName": "singleArticleName", "articleId": "articleId", "purchasePrice": 6154.366172836672, "partAmount": 8140.86157858373, "totalReserved": 1202.4506567907245 }] }], "customerOrderExternalId": "customerOrderExternalId", "totalAmount": 3341.694797923759, "name": "name", "comment": "comment", "finishDate": 1714103893596, "storeState": 8491, "state": "0", "articles": [{ "waste": "0", "amount": 3044.7499054364944, "articleName": "articleName", "productionOrderId": 6019, "articleId": "articleId", "accuracy": 3533.5456188268345, "finished": 8427.700781871055, "time": 1320.215294744328, "status": 4935 }], "startDate": 1714103893596, "reserveInDepth": "false" }


Print pickinglist

GETUrl: /{order_id}/pickinglist/print
Accept: application/pdf or application/json
Print pickinglist of flat articles for production order

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
filter_non_available false
article_images false
order asc asc,desc
sort_column art art,name,supplier,supplier_art

Successfull response:

Production orders

Get batch and serial for a production order

GETUrl: /{order_id}/batch
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get batches and serial numbers for all the articles in a production order
Successfull response:

{ "countBatch": 1047, "batches": [{ "deliveredAmount": 8162.851890520488, "serialNr": "serialNr", "bestBefore": 5997, "batchId": "batchId", "orderedAmount": 4848.271734095896 }], "articleId": "articleId", "countSerial": 6449 }

Get production order for id

GETUrl: /{order_id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get production order based on id
Successfull response:

{ "finishedAmount": 3308.1140441303323, "orderId": 8951, "endDate": 1714103893599, "prReference": "prReference", "customerOrderId": 3254, "workHours": 9523.770417007285, "internalReference": "internalReference", "singleArticles": [{ "articleId": "articleId", "singleArticles": [{ "totalAmount": 8231.930031423013, "hasStockValue": false, "singleArticleId": "singleArticleId", "singleArticleName": "singleArticleName", "articleId": "articleId", "purchasePrice": 1759.1915612835908, "partAmount": 760.2182527938218, "totalReserved": 2618.0625495217955 }] }], "customerOrderExternalId": "customerOrderExternalId", "totalAmount": 2282.9264045071827, "name": "name", "comment": "comment", "finishDate": 1714103893599, "storeState": 9351, "state": "0", "articles": [{ "waste": "0", "amount": 6140.247826094332, "articleName": "articleName", "productionOrderId": 7408, "articleId": "articleId", "accuracy": 4217.176608674109, "finished": 4413.355888439972, "time": 4983.201567751907, "status": 9219 }], "startDate": 1714103893599, "reserveInDepth": "false" }

Get production orders for state

GETUrl: /state/{state}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of production orders based on state

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
from 0
to 0
page 0
limit 50
sort_column start_date start_date,end_date
order desc asc,desc

Successfull response:

{ "ordersCount": 516, "pages": 1922, "pageSize": 6603, "orders": [{ "finishedAmount": 9952.348062606767, "orderId": 8646, "endDate": 1714103893600, "prReference": "prReference", "customerOrderId": 2377, "workHours": 9057.409220878517, "internalReference": "internalReference", "singleArticles": [{ "articleId": "articleId", "singleArticles": [{ "totalAmount": 224.57005162761945, "hasStockValue": true, "singleArticleId": "singleArticleId", "singleArticleName": "singleArticleName", "articleId": "articleId", "purchasePrice": 4110.453703265504, "partAmount": 8850.419723193912, "totalReserved": 1823.5410638581484 }] }], "customerOrderExternalId": "customerOrderExternalId", "totalAmount": 905.77963130971, "name": "name", "comment": "comment", "finishDate": 1714103893600, "storeState": 4966, "state": "0", "articles": [{ "waste": "0", "amount": 4065.4226523278235, "articleName": "articleName", "productionOrderId": 2875, "articleId": "articleId", "accuracy": 5360.123811646982, "finished": 9328.355439339306, "time": 8528.922757559754, "status": 8435 }], "startDate": 1714103893600, "reserveInDepth": "false" }], "page": 4791 }

Get production orders for customer order

GETUrl: /customer_order/{order_id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of production orders connected to a customer order
Successfull response:

{ "ordersCount": 318, "pages": 5986, "pageSize": 6150, "orders": [{ "finishedAmount": 8782.028282389962, "orderId": 8998, "endDate": 1714103893601, "prReference": "prReference", "customerOrderId": 7450, "workHours": 6536.89329675419, "internalReference": "internalReference", "singleArticles": [{ "articleId": "articleId", "singleArticles": [{ "totalAmount": 5684.778784230214, "hasStockValue": true, "singleArticleId": "singleArticleId", "singleArticleName": "singleArticleName", "articleId": "articleId", "purchasePrice": 2928.379361483029, "partAmount": 1812.5109728662492, "totalReserved": 2656.0166046975487 }] }], "customerOrderExternalId": "customerOrderExternalId", "totalAmount": 2570.4694933580377, "name": "name", "comment": "comment", "finishDate": 1714103893601, "storeState": 8216, "state": "0", "articles": [{ "waste": "0", "amount": 2724.022398039778, "articleName": "articleName", "productionOrderId": 3307, "articleId": "articleId", "accuracy": 6256.445418670085, "finished": 7346.535234901388, "time": 3251.61305513601, "status": 519 }], "startDate": 1714103893601, "reserveInDepth": "false" }], "page": 2343 }

Get production orders with article

GETUrl: /article/{article_id : .+}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of production orders that contains a specific article

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
page 0
limit 50
sort_column start_date start_date,end_date
order desc asc,desc

Successfull response:

{ "ordersCount": 2971, "pages": 4212, "pageSize": 9195, "orders": [{ "finishedAmount": 1805.77921483276, "orderId": 8663, "endDate": 1714103893604, "prReference": "prReference", "customerOrderId": 6410, "workHours": 3696.635877194847, "internalReference": "internalReference", "singleArticles": [{ "articleId": "articleId", "singleArticles": [{ "totalAmount": 3408.1341884059434, "hasStockValue": true, "singleArticleId": "singleArticleId", "singleArticleName": "singleArticleName", "articleId": "articleId", "purchasePrice": 6828.548488627488, "partAmount": 6793.32414605251, "totalReserved": 5251.9793886468815 }] }], "customerOrderExternalId": "customerOrderExternalId", "totalAmount": 4806.386061774465, "name": "name", "comment": "comment", "finishDate": 1714103893604, "storeState": 8644, "state": "0", "articles": [{ "waste": "0", "amount": 3237.975022881463, "articleName": "articleName", "productionOrderId": 9190, "articleId": "articleId", "accuracy": 6650.6933016559, "finished": 4221.865036075899, "time": 6303.113321307849, "status": 537 }], "startDate": 1714103893604, "reserveInDepth": "false" }], "page": 2475 }

Get flat products

GETUrl: /{order_id}/products/flat
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a flat list of products for a production order based on id

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
order asc asc,desc
sort_column art art,name,supplier,supplier_art

Successfull response:

{"articles": [{ "supplierName": "supplierName", "amount": 8909.737442610964, "articleName": "articleName", "supplierId": 1697, "purchasePriceMisc": 7399.539051583036, "articleId": "articleId", "purchasePrice": 95.2745082431805, "partAmount": 3764.356168537013, "stockplace": "stockplace", "unit": "unit", "reserved": 8184.552933957848, "purchasePriceShipment": 2548.882255299515, "supplierArticleId": "supplierArticleId", "purchaseOrders": [{ "ordered": 2751.781273716489, "orderId": 5208, "poRef": "poRef", "state": 7606, "deliveryDate": 1714103893606 }] }]}

Get po-ref for production order

GETUrl: /pr_ref/next_id
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get the next unique po-ref for production order
Successfull response:

{"prReference": "prReference"}

Get production orders between states

GETUrl: /production_orders_state
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of production orders between two states

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
state_from 0,1,2,3
state_to 0,1,2,3
page 0
limit 20

Successfull response:

{ "finishedAmount": 3466.6650645931795, "orderId": 3583, "endDate": 1714103893609, "prReference": "prReference", "customerOrderId": 2822, "workHours": 2964.568441469275, "internalReference": "internalReference", "singleArticles": [{ "articleId": "articleId", "singleArticles": [{ "totalAmount": 3005.5499570504, "hasStockValue": true, "singleArticleId": "singleArticleId", "singleArticleName": "singleArticleName", "articleId": "articleId", "purchasePrice": 2579.8546439027627, "partAmount": 3210.0869659274013, "totalReserved": 4719.700041240789 }] }], "customerOrderExternalId": "customerOrderExternalId", "totalAmount": 6040.303376640509, "name": "name", "comment": "comment", "finishDate": 1714103893609, "storeState": 2172, "state": "0", "articles": [{ "waste": "0", "amount": 4053.631921105932, "articleName": "articleName", "productionOrderId": 5803, "articleId": "articleId", "accuracy": 5810.995836885145, "finished": 3741.2657747442036, "time": 8876.638411297858, "status": 2992 }], "startDate": 1714103893609, "reserveInDepth": "false" }

Add production order

Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Add a new production order

{ "finishedAmount": 4997.360573782004, "orderId": 2268, "endDate": 1714103893610, "prReference": "prReference", "customerOrderId": 40, "workHours": 4397.039814920719, "internalReference": "internalReference", "customerOrderExternalId": "customerOrderExternalId", "totalAmount": 2805.028017831339, "name": "name", "comment": "comment", "finishDate": 1714103893610, "storeState": 6652, "state": "0", "startDate": 1714103893610, "reserveInDepth": "false" }
Successfull response:

{ "finishedAmount": 16.653810873979992, "orderId": 3617, "endDate": 1714103893610, "prReference": "prReference", "customerOrderId": 2313, "workHours": 9267.279330803967, "internalReference": "internalReference", "singleArticles": [{ "articleId": "articleId", "singleArticles": [{ "totalAmount": 9163.56296121973, "hasStockValue": true, "singleArticleId": "singleArticleId", "singleArticleName": "singleArticleName", "articleId": "articleId", "purchasePrice": 4835.988477754596, "partAmount": 7647.015082315593, "totalReserved": 8410.728866568033 }] }], "customerOrderExternalId": "customerOrderExternalId", "totalAmount": 8604.247634723417, "name": "name", "comment": "comment", "finishDate": 1714103893610, "storeState": 562, "state": "0", "articles": [{ "waste": "0", "amount": 4411.783243335664, "articleName": "articleName", "productionOrderId": 8332, "articleId": "articleId", "accuracy": 5083.274450480067, "finished": 9384.381197532668, "time": 4554.893407415769, "status": 9325 }], "startDate": 1714103893610, "reserveInDepth": "false" }

Add article for production order

POSTUrl: /{order_id}/article
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Add a new article for production order

{ "waste": "0", "amount": 4534.249080277608, "articleName": "articleName", "productionOrderId": 2827, "articleId": "articleId", "finished": 3778.9938482651464, "time": 5343.4933754370995, "status": 6561 }
Successfull response:

{ "parts": [{ "articleId": "articleId", "singleArticles": [{ "totalAmount": 5584.626664766977, "hasStockValue": false, "singleArticleId": "singleArticleId", "singleArticleName": "singleArticleName", "articleId": "articleId", "purchasePrice": 7392.536281617421, "partAmount": 7954.136704077635, "totalReserved": 9460.00272284443 }] }], "articles": [{ "waste": "0", "amount": 9280.427962096652, "articleName": "articleName", "productionOrderId": 5697, "articleId": "articleId", "accuracy": 5426.603652643953, "finished": 2094.5850099891836, "time": 7992.802279243026, "status": 326 }] }

Update production order

PUTUrl: /{id}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update an existing production order

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values
startProduction false


{ "finishedAmount": 6998.092825869817, "orderId": 9020, "endDate": 1714103893613, "prReference": "prReference", "customerOrderId": 3760, "workHours": 9069.84666477662, "internalReference": "internalReference", "singleArticles": [{ "articleId": "articleId", "singleArticles": [{ "totalAmount": 8208.560144535892, "hasStockValue": true, "singleArticleId": "singleArticleId", "singleArticleName": "singleArticleName", "articleId": "articleId", "purchasePrice": 4468.634185091126, "partAmount": 7291.315529045205, "totalReserved": 8261.393728116433 }] }], "customerOrderExternalId": "customerOrderExternalId", "totalAmount": 2469.334138151538, "name": "name", "comment": "comment", "finishDate": 1714103893613, "storeState": 9429, "state": "0", "articles": [{ "waste": "0", "amount": 3896.472221578384, "articleName": "articleName", "productionOrderId": 3459, "articleId": "articleId", "accuracy": 8962.149162968413, "finished": 2451.997405467785, "time": 2502.952812142328, "status": 2525 }], "startDate": 1714103893613, "reserveInDepth": "false" }
Successfull response:

{ "finishedAmount": 8485.702433409004, "orderId": 8220, "endDate": 1714103893613, "prReference": "prReference", "customerOrderId": 1492, "workHours": 4858.178433395058, "internalReference": "internalReference", "singleArticles": [{ "articleId": "articleId", "singleArticles": [{ "totalAmount": 6137.946071654831, "hasStockValue": true, "singleArticleId": "singleArticleId", "singleArticleName": "singleArticleName", "articleId": "articleId", "purchasePrice": 4836.816322750721, "partAmount": 3129.196436877343, "totalReserved": 1977.6238809448266 }] }], "customerOrderExternalId": "customerOrderExternalId", "totalAmount": 3176.2234207642405, "name": "name", "comment": "comment", "finishDate": 1714103893613, "storeState": 4069, "state": "0", "articles": [{ "waste": "0", "amount": 7314.647236998224, "articleName": "articleName", "productionOrderId": 643, "articleId": "articleId", "accuracy": 5450.845574721791, "finished": 7821.072030489724, "time": 10.174301119185714, "status": 6818 }], "startDate": 1714103893613, "reserveInDepth": "false" }

Update article for production order

PUTUrl: /{id}/article
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update an article for production order

{ "waste": "0", "amount": 4240.349996607991, "articleName": "articleName", "productionOrderId": 6845, "articleId": "articleId", "accuracy": 8817.445772119605, "finished": 7942.73958149376, "time": 5490.068953452167, "status": 4439 }
Successfull response:

{ "finishedAmount": 1048.6643304750232, "orderId": 8661, "endDate": 1714103893615, "prReference": "prReference", "customerOrderId": 2854, "workHours": 2239.331135680287, "internalReference": "internalReference", "singleArticles": [{ "articleId": "articleId", "singleArticles": [{ "totalAmount": 8572.19708502483, "hasStockValue": true, "singleArticleId": "singleArticleId", "singleArticleName": "singleArticleName", "articleId": "articleId", "purchasePrice": 8189.515769797506, "partAmount": 5160.394314793419, "totalReserved": 4994.305153188734 }] }], "customerOrderExternalId": "customerOrderExternalId", "totalAmount": 8656.951177747598, "name": "name", "comment": "comment", "finishDate": 1714103893615, "storeState": 5175, "state": "0", "articles": [{ "waste": "0", "amount": 8037.373338467849, "articleName": "articleName", "productionOrderId": 6832, "articleId": "articleId", "accuracy": 1726.0587222052704, "finished": 8148.920684693945, "time": 8848.689220643355, "status": 8579 }], "startDate": 1714103893615, "reserveInDepth": "false" }

Update article with traceability for production order

PUTUrl: /{id}/article/{article_id : .+}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update an article for production order with traceability

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values


{ "amount": 8557.621371707592, "partTraceability": [{ "amount": 8623.033600208462, "serial": [{}], "articleId": "articleId", "batch": "batch" }], "limitPartAmounts": "false", "serial": "serial", "bestBefore": 4322, "articleId": "articleId", "batch": "batch", "barcode": "barcode" }
Successfull response:

{ "finishedAmount": 1210.6005440624513, "orderId": 6723, "endDate": 1714103893617, "prReference": "prReference", "customerOrderId": 4134, "workHours": 2764.891087737484, "internalReference": "internalReference", "singleArticles": [{ "articleId": "articleId", "singleArticles": [{ "totalAmount": 8997.858726867162, "hasStockValue": false, "singleArticleId": "singleArticleId", "singleArticleName": "singleArticleName", "articleId": "articleId", "purchasePrice": 5852.0660693152395, "partAmount": 1993.6708152433048, "totalReserved": 7383.920237917301 }] }], "customerOrderExternalId": "customerOrderExternalId", "totalAmount": 440.2149233160102, "name": "name", "comment": "comment", "finishDate": 1714103893617, "storeState": 4588, "state": "0", "articles": [{ "waste": "0", "amount": 9328.919033972288, "articleName": "articleName", "productionOrderId": 379, "articleId": "articleId", "accuracy": 8669.151615430801, "finished": 8768.224610079667, "time": 6746.344551778495, "status": 2968 }], "startDate": 1714103893617, "reserveInDepth": "false" }

Cancel production order

PUTUrl: /{id}/cancel
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update production order state to cancelled
Successfull response:

{ "finishedAmount": 4114.21706551476, "orderId": 147, "endDate": 1714103893618, "prReference": "prReference", "customerOrderId": 6894, "workHours": 9413.18105296405, "internalReference": "internalReference", "singleArticles": [{ "articleId": "articleId", "singleArticles": [{ "totalAmount": 2952.977855349699, "hasStockValue": false, "singleArticleId": "singleArticleId", "singleArticleName": "singleArticleName", "articleId": "articleId", "purchasePrice": 1384.1440459621401, "partAmount": 7743.018011414811, "totalReserved": 693.4268641159769 }] }], "customerOrderExternalId": "customerOrderExternalId", "totalAmount": 8830.039721074414, "name": "name", "comment": "comment", "finishDate": 1714103893618, "storeState": 1309, "state": "0", "articles": [{ "waste": "0", "amount": 8599.13390593617, "articleName": "articleName", "productionOrderId": 8257, "articleId": "articleId", "accuracy": 7017.405668723317, "finished": 7061.978943640021, "time": 7330.066446848632, "status": 1799 }], "startDate": 1714103893618, "reserveInDepth": "false" }

Finish production order

PUTUrl: /{id}/finish
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Update production order state to finished
Successfull response:

{ "finishedAmount": 9183.593541786611, "orderId": 5710, "endDate": 1714103893619, "prReference": "prReference", "customerOrderId": 5850, "workHours": 8158.983175725381, "internalReference": "internalReference", "singleArticles": [{ "articleId": "articleId", "singleArticles": [{ "totalAmount": 6908.545970397122, "hasStockValue": false, "singleArticleId": "singleArticleId", "singleArticleName": "singleArticleName", "articleId": "articleId", "purchasePrice": 9255.791068521536, "partAmount": 3816.646617310344, "totalReserved": 8708.30297506554 }] }], "customerOrderExternalId": "customerOrderExternalId", "totalAmount": 8931.900065188698, "name": "name", "comment": "comment", "finishDate": 1714103893619, "storeState": 4881, "state": "0", "articles": [{ "waste": "0", "amount": 9292.13366576934, "articleName": "articleName", "productionOrderId": 1535, "articleId": "articleId", "accuracy": 7288.081528969044, "finished": 8843.708439066431, "time": 6503.837628245793, "status": 5974 }], "startDate": 1714103893619, "reserveInDepth": "false" }

Remove production order article

DELETEUrl: /{order_id}/article/{article_id : .+}
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Remove article from an existing production order
Successfull response:

{ "finishedAmount": 6553.86082514733, "orderId": 4951, "endDate": 1714103893620, "prReference": "prReference", "customerOrderId": 5467, "workHours": 5138.25224260913, "internalReference": "internalReference", "singleArticles": [{ "articleId": "articleId", "singleArticles": [{ "totalAmount": 8280.182673849447, "hasStockValue": false, "singleArticleId": "singleArticleId", "singleArticleName": "singleArticleName", "articleId": "articleId", "purchasePrice": 8961.237108995158, "partAmount": 4643.928794620209, "totalReserved": 3678.489324025309 }] }], "customerOrderExternalId": "customerOrderExternalId", "totalAmount": 2306.5983517723976, "name": "name", "comment": "comment", "finishDate": 1714103893620, "storeState": 6476, "state": "0", "articles": [{ "waste": "0", "amount": 9062.906331180504, "articleName": "articleName", "productionOrderId": 8368, "articleId": "articleId", "accuracy": 7237.505331269182, "finished": 8571.183644690725, "time": 2326.629173133672, "status": 8050 }], "startDate": 1714103893620, "reserveInDepth": "false" }



Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String Article id for a single article within the bundled article R,W
articleName String R,W
reserved Double R,W
amount Double R,W
partAmount Double R,W
purchasePrice Double R,W
purchasePriceMisc Double R,W
purchasePriceShipment Double R,W
supplierId Long R,W
supplierName String R,W
supplierArticleId String R,W
unit String R,W
stockplace String R,W
purchaseOrders List R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
orderId Long R,W
poRef String R,W
ordered Double R,W
state int R,W
deliveryDate Date R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articles List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String R,W
amount double R,W
batch String R,W
serial List R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
orderId Long When updating a production order (PUT) R,W
prReference String Unique ProductionOrder-id which the customer can decide themselves R,W
customerOrderId Long POST must point to an existing customerOrder R,W
customerOrderExternalId String R,W
internalReference String R,W
name String R,W
comment String R,W
startDate Date R,W
endDate Date R,W
finishDate Date R,W
workHours Double R,W
state Integer Write only with POST 0 NEW = 0,
reserveInDepth Boolean Flag to indicate if reservation should be done on only first layer of bundled articles, or if it should be done on all simple articles in all layers false R,W
storeState Integer R,W
totalAmount Double R,W
finishedAmount Double R,W
articles List List of ProductionOrderArticles R
singleArticles List List of ProductionOrderSingleArticles R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
productionOrderId long R,W
articleId String R,W
articleName String R,W
time Double R,W
amount Double R,W
finished Double R,W
waste Double Total number of produced is finished plus waste 0 R,W
status int R,W
accuracy Double Percentage on accuracy of the production result. A positive accuracy describes a general overproduction, while a negative accuracy describes waste in production R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articles List R
parts List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String Article id for bundled article R,W
batch String Batch for bundled article R,W
serial String Serial number for bundled article R,W
amount double Amount to be produced for bundled article R,W
bestBefore Long Best before for bundled article R,W
barcode String Barcode for bundled article R,W
partTraceability List List of traceability for all parts in the bundled article R,W
limitPartAmounts Boolean Set flag to true if we want to limit part amounts to ordered amount when overproducing false R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String R
countBatch int R
countSerial int R
batches List R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
batchId String R,W
serialNr String R,W
orderedAmount Double R,W
deliveredAmount Double R,W
bestBefore Long R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
prReference String Next available purchase order reference R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String R,W
singleArticles List R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
articleId String Article id for the bundled article R,W
singleArticleId String Article id for a single article within the bundled article R,W
singleArticleName String R,W
totalReserved Double R,W
totalAmount Double R,W
partAmount Double R,W
purchasePrice Double R,W
hasStockValue Boolean R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
page int R
pages int R
pageSize int R
ordersCount int R
orders List R