Goto APIs

Stores API



Parameters in the url should all be encoded and all data sent should be UTF-8

MAX number of requests per minute is set to 200.
When the limit is hit an error with code 429 is returned, with the header "Retry-After" containing the number of seconds you have to wait for your next request.


There are 2 ways to be authenticated when using this API. in both ways you add headers to the request.
1) Use an API-key together with store-id. This would be used when communicating machine to machine and no real person is involved. The API-key is available from where you activated the API. The store-id is also available in the same place.
2) Use a user_id and user_token together with a store-id. You get these values from the login-request. The values are connected to a person and are gained when an actual login to the system has been made.
store: <<STORE>>
user_id: <<USER_ID>>
user_token: <<USER_TOKEN>>
api_key: <<API_KEY>>
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json


Code Description
900001 Credentials don't match
900101 Common error
900429 Too many requests
901702 Error when adding store
901703 Error when updating store
901704 Error when deleting store
  "errorCode" : 900101,
  "errorMessage" : "Something went wrong on the server",
  "errorField" : null,
  "errorData" : null

Stores API:


Get stores

Accept: application/json or application/xml
Get a list of accessible stores
Successfull response:

{ "orgName": "orgName", "stores": [{ "storeGroupId": 2006, "isMaster": false, "name": "name", "articleSuffix": "articleSuffix", "currency": "currency", "language": "language", "storeId": 344 }], "orgNumber": "orgNumber" }

Get retention info

GETUrl: /retention
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Retention information is used to bundle useful information about the company account's status
Successfull response:

{ "deliveredCustomerOrderProducts": 8, "groupId": 4192, "closedSupplierOrderProducts": 6825, "sentOrders": 6781, "storeId": 8152, "closedCustomerOrders": 6451, "getLastInventoryDueDate": 1713855852806, "stockValue": 1409.9924893907967, "openCustomerOrders": 7117, "stockValueFIFO": 3559.6201482970423, "openCustomerOrderProducts": 5667, "articlesCount": 1317, "sentSupplierOrderProducts": 1873, "closedOrders": 4203 }

Get calculated deactivation date

GETUrl: /calculatedDeactivationDate
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Calculates what deactivation date would be for an active store
Successfull response:

{"date": 1713855852807}

Add store

Accept: application/json or application/xml
Add a new store to group

{ "zip": "zip", "invoiceZip": "invoiceZip", "country": "country", "invocieAddress2": "invocieAddress2", "address": "address", "invoiceCountry": "invoiceCountry", "address2": "address2", "city": "city", "companyName": "companyName", "contactPerson": "contactPerson", "invoiceAddress": "invoiceAddress", "invoiceEmail": "invoiceEmail", "suffix": "suffix", "invoiceCity": "invoiceCity", "includeVat": "false", "phone": "phone", "storeName": "storeName", "currency": "currency", "orgNumber": "orgNumber", "email": "email" }
Successfull response:

{ "storeGroupId": 1918, "isMaster": false, "name": "name", "articleSuffix": "articleSuffix", "currency": "currency", "language": "language", "storeId": 1922 }

Deactivate a store

PUTUrl: /deactivate
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Deactivating a store will set a deactivation date into the future. Once that deactivation date has been reached the store can no longer be accessed and is marked for deletion after a period of time
Successfull response:

Reactivate a store

PUTUrl: /reactivate
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Reactivating a store will remove the deactivate date and the store is no longer marked for deletion
Successfull response:

Clear a store

PUTUrl: /clear
Accept: application/json or application/xml
Content-type: application/json or application/xml
Clearing a store will delete all data connected to that store; articles, customers, orders, suppliers...
Successfull response:

Delete a store

Accept: application/json or application/xml
Delete a store, articles are moved to the store with id = move_to_store if it exists

Valid parameters:

Parameter Description Default value Allowed values

Successfull response:



Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
date Date R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
storeId long R
groupId long R
getLastInventoryDueDate Date R
articlesCount int R
sentOrders int R
openCustomerOrders int R
closedOrders int R
closedCustomerOrders int R
stockValue Double R
stockValueFIFO Double R
sentSupplierOrderProducts int R
openCustomerOrderProducts int R
closedSupplierOrderProducts int R
deliveredCustomerOrderProducts int R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
storeId long R
storeGroupId long R
name String R
currency String R
language String R
isMaster Boolean R
articleSuffix String R


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
companyName String Name of company Post R,W
orgNumber String Organisation number Post R,W
storeName String Name of store Post R,W
suffix String Store suffix. If external integration is active (Fortnox / Visma) all articles in this store will have a suffix added to each article in those systems to handle multiple stores. Suffix must be unique within the same group Post R,W
email String Admin email Post R,W
phone String Phonenumber Post R,W
currency String Sales currency Post R,W
contactPerson String Contact person Post R,W
address String Street address (Visiting / Deliveries) Post R,W
address2 String Street address 2 R,W
city String City Post R,W
zip String Zip Post R,W
country String Country Post R,W
invoiceAddress String Invoice address R,W
invocieAddress2 String Invoice address 2 R,W
invoiceCity String Invoice city R,W
invoiceZip String Invoice zip code R,W
invoiceCountry String Invoice country R,W
invoiceEmail String Invoice email R,W
includeVat Boolean Include vat in sales prices false R,W


Field Type Description Default Mandatory Accepted values Example values Access
orgName String R
orgNumber String R
stores List R